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NI DIAdem 2012SP1 with DAC Module Win32Eng NI数据管理软件DIADEM2012SP1含DAC模块基本高级专业版下载DIAdem12.0.1-DAC
DIAdem是一个统一的单一软件环境,可帮助您更高效地进行测量数据后期处理。 DIAdem针对大型数据集进行了优化,内含的工具可帮助您快速搜索所需的数据,查看和研究数据,使用特定工程分析函数转换数据,并使用强大的拖放式报告编辑器共享结果。 您可以在DIAdem中使用脚本来自动执行重复的数据后处理任务,并高效地将测量数据转换为有价值的信息。
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DIAdem 2012 SP1 Release NotesVersion 12.0.1 July 2013 This file contains information on DIAdem 2012 and DIAdem 2012SP1: - System Requirements
- Notes on DIAdem 2012
- New Features in DIAdem 2012 SP1
- New Features in DIAdem 2012
- Fixed Issues in DIAdem 2012 SP1
- Fixed Issues in DIAdem 2012
- Automating the Installation of NI Products
- Important Information
System RequirementsFor correct DIAdem performance, the following minimum requirements must be met: HardwareCPU | x86 compatible processor, 1.6 GHz or more | Amount of memory | 1 GB or more | Hard disk memory | Depending on the operating system, up to 2,8 GB free storage space, of which at least 1,8 GB on the system partition | Graphics board | Color depth at least 16-bit (High Color), 24-bit, or 32-bit (True Color) recommended | Screen resolution | At least 1024x768 | Operating SystemsWindows XP Pro 32-bit Service Pack 3 or later Windows Vista 32-bit with Service Pack 2 Windows Vista 64-bit with Service Pack 2 (as 32-bit application) - Windows 7 32-bit with Service Pack 1
Windows 7 64-bit with Service Pack 1 (as 32-bit application) Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit with Service Pack 2 Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit with Service Pack 1 (as 32-bit application) Windows 8 32-bit Windows 8 64-bit (as 32-bit application)
AdministrationFirewall | The firewall displays warnings while DIAdem installs and while DIAdem launches, for the following reasons:
The usireg component executes during the installation of DataPlugins. The DataFinder, which you use for searching and navigating in files, then starts. When DIAdem launches, a DNS query determines whether to license locally or whether to use a license server.If you want to be able to use all the DIAdem functions, National Instruments recommends that you select "Do not block" for all programs listed. This also applies when you want to evaluate DIAdem. Refer to ni.com/info under the info code winxpsp2. | Windows User Rights | DIAdem and its components are basically executable under the preconfigured Microsoft Windows user accounts from User onwards. DIAdem must be installed with complete administrator rights. If you operate various DIAdem versions on one computer, you only have the entire range of functions in each version if you have administrator rights. | MiscellaneousNotes on DIAdem 2012DIAdem Version 9.0 and LabVIEW Version 7.1, and later versions, use a shared software component that is updated when you install DIAdem. When you uninstall DIAdem, the current version of the shared component remains. This is intentional and has been tested extensively. For the DataFinder in DIAdem 2012, any index files from earlier DIAdem versions must be regenerated. This occurs automatically when you launch DIAdem. Depending on how many files are to be indexed, this may take quite some time. It is strongly recommended that you install DIAdem in the suggested folders on Windows Vista, or that you specify the folder exclusively in the path selection dialog box in the setup program. In particular, changing the suggested program path manually in the installation program can cause problems in DIAdem. When executing DIAdem or DIAdem scripts under Windows Server 2003, runtime errors might occur due to an error in the runtime library of the system. As a workaround, Microsoft has provided a hotfix which you can download at http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B955536.If you install an earlier than DIAdem 2010 version after the installation of DIAdem 2012, the PDF export of this earlier version does not function. You can solve the problem in 10.1 to 11.1 if you copy the following files from the DIAdem 2012 program folder into the program folder of the earlier DIAdem version:
- acfpdf.drv
- acfpdf.txt
- acfpdfu.dll
- acfpdfuamd64.dll
- acfpdfui.dll
- acfpdfuiamd64.dll
- cdintf.dll
To activate DIAdem 2012 and later versions, you must create a user profile on ni.com. The evaluation period is now 7 days without a user profile. If you create a user profile, this period is extended by an additional 45 days.
Compatibility of DIAdem 2012 and DIAdem 2011- The CAN-Converter is called Bus Log Converter in DIAdem 2012 and later versions. The main object "CanToTDM" from the associated object-oriented script interface is now called "BusLogToTDM". However, scripts which use the previous names can still run.
- The Bus-Log-Converter (previously CAN-Converter) now returns the channels in alphabetical order. Until DIAdem 2011 the order of the channels corresponded to the definition in the signal description file, for example, CAN-DB.
- The shortcut for copying dialog box settings to the clipboard or into the script editor was changed to . You can now also use the new shortcut in DIAdem REPORT outside of dialog boxes for one or several selected objects.
- The properties display of the root elements and the group elements within the structure view of the Data Portal no longer exists. You can view and edit the properties of the selected element in the properties window below the structure view. Select File»DAT Files»Data Set Comments in the NAVIGATOR menu to display DAT data set comments. To create new data set comments, use custom properties of the root element.
- From version 2012 on, DIAdem does not support the execution of AUT scripts and COD dialog boxes. If you want to use AUT scripts and COD dialog boxes, you must convert them to VBS scripts and SUD dialog boxes. Refer to the DIAdem Help under the search term AUT/VBS Converter, for more information on this change.
- From version 2012 on, DIAdem does not support the loading of REPORT layouts in the earlier LPD format. To convert old LPD layouts into the current TDR format, load the LPD layout with an earlier DIAdem version and save it in the TDR format.
Compatibility of DIAdem 2012 or DIAdem 2011 with Earlier VersionsThe GPI-based ASCII and Excel import wizards were replaced by import wizards in DIAdem 2011 that can also generate a DataPlugin. These can also help you to load more files of the same format without going through the wizard to load them. If you want to execute scripts based on old import wizards, or if you want to continue using them for other reasons, you must first register the respective GPI extensions GfSExcel.dll and GfSASCII.dll (Settings»Options»Extensions»GPI Extensions). To export data from DIAdem to Excel, you can use the TDM Excel Add-Ins to save this data in TDM format and in Excel . In DIAdem REPORT the clipping parameters "Only hide axes" and "Hide axes and curves" are not available, even if you load an old LPD layout. Instead, you can specify a background color for each report object. In the object settings, select white as the background color if you want to show report objects on top of the axis system. Since version 2011, DIAdem supports various new processes for loading data. Depending on the process, the data is loaded into the memory as required. Depending on the application, this can result in increased speed when working with large amounts of data. The default is automatic loading on first write access. Should you experience problems with certain applications, you can restore the previous mode in the NAVIGATOR settings. Refer to the online help Basics » DIAdem NAVIGATOR » Loading Bulk Data - General for more information on this setting. The SUD file format is different in DIAdem 2010. You can load SUD files from earlier versions with DIAdem 2010. You cannot load SUD files that you created in DIAdem 2010 or later versions, with version 11.1 or earlier versions. The SUD files from DIAdem versions 2010 to 2012 are compatible. The event procedure syntax in the SUD dialog editor has changed in DIAdem 2010. The definition of the variable this has been moved from the procedure body to the parameter list of the events. User dialog boxes that were created with earlier versions remain fully functional. When loading earlier SUD files into the dialog editor, DIAdem automatically converts these files into the new syntax. Refer to Converting User Dialog Boxes in the Help for further information.
New Features in DIAdem 2012 SP1DIAdem NAVIGATOR, DataFinderThe column headings can be abbreviated in the search results list of the DataFinder. To do so, select Only property names in the column header in the configuration dialog box of the search results. As of DIAdem 2012 SP1, the Bus Log Converter generates the new group property CANHexId, which contains the ID of the frame as a Hex string. The Bus Log Converter now supports the log file format KVASER Log. The property FileType for LogSettings has the value eLogFileTypeKLOG. These are vector logfiles with a time stamp corrected by factor 10. The Bus Log Converter now supports one-digit hexadecimal numbers as ID, in Vector-ASCII files. The DataPlugin exclusion file ChnPreViewLock.txt located in the DIAdem program folder was replaced by the INI file DataPluginExclusions.ini, which you can find in the DIAdem desktop folder which is specific to the user and version. New Features in DIAdem 2012DIAdem NAVIGATOR, DataFinder, Data PortalThe new DataPlugin Finder makes it easier to import and index unknown file formats because it displays all DataPlugins from the DataPlugin website that match the filename extension, and installs DataPlugins at the push of a button. If newer versions of the installed DataPlugin are available, the DataPlugin Update Manager supports user requests to automatically install updates. With the help of the script API, the new features can also be used for customized solutions. The CAN converter was extended for LIN and Flexray buses and was therefore renamed Bus Log Converter. DIAdem now supports the logfile formats NI-XNET, NI-CAN, GIN Multilogger, Vector Binary Log Format, Vector LOG, Vector ASCII, Ipetronik-M-LOG/S-LOG, and PCAN-Trace. The context menu in DIAdem NAVIGATOR now supports file system operations such as copy, delete, rename, or move. In data files in the TDM, TDMS, or DAT format, DIAdem automatically includes the associated binary files. The new method Close for DataStore closes a data store, for example, in the ASAM environment without having to first release all associated objects. The new command TdmsFileDefrag defragments TDMS files in order to read them faster. The units catalog can now sort the physical quantities in alphabetical order. DIAdem hides the properties of the root element, channel groups, or data channels in the structure view of the Data Portal. DIAdem saves register properties such as RegisterTxt1, which can be created at the root element, channel groups, or data channels, only if they differ from the default values. DIAdem ANALYSISThe new function Characterize Oscillation determines in a signal with different oscillations, which oscillation contains the largest amplitude, and is therefore called single tone analysis. The SINAD Analysis (SIgnal to Noise and Distortion) function calculates the ratio of the total signal power to the interference signal power and returns a measurement for the transmission quality of a signal, from which you can, for example, calculate the distortion. The new function Calculate Peaks determines the minimum or maximum signal values by adjusting a quadratic function sectionwise and is especially suited to determine peaks in distorted signals. The new function Differentiate can now calculate the derivative over a central difference quotient whereby the channel length remains. The Crash Analysis functions now save the calculation results also as channel properties at the input channels. DIAdem REPORTDIAdem REPORT offers a new object-oriented script interface. With the objects, methods, and properties from this interface, you create, edit, and delete worksheets and all the elements, such as axis systems, tables, texts, and formulas, contained in the worksheets DIAdem saves REPORT layouts as XML files. In order to reduce disk space and network bandwidth during transfer, DIAdem can now load and save layouts in the compressed TDRZ format. DIAdem is now able to automatically adjust background graphics of 2D axis systems to the scaling and units of the axes, for example, in order to display geodata on a map or to display numeric values with the corresponding color spectrum. The color depth RGB32 was added to the graphics export in the PNG format. If the layout does not use a background color, this setting generates a transparent background. The performance of layouts with many worksheets has been increased substantially. Dropping numeric properties onto the axis of a 2D axis system generates a constant. Formatting hexadecimal values in texts has been extended and now allows, for example, output as 0xDEF0, DEFoHEX, or XDEF0. With the new property Display Curve in the Curve and Axis Definition dialog box, curves can be easily hidden and shown. In the same dialog box new legend settings specify how DIAdem displays the curve symbols in the legend. DIAdem SCRIPTThe new variable OnFilterKeyShortcut suppresses DIAdem shortcuts. In customized DIAdem applications this variable enables the restriction of possible user entries. The new variable MenusVisible suppresses DIAdem menus. With the new commands StopWatchInit, StopWatchStart, and StopWatchPause runtime measurements with up to 50 high resolution stop watches can be used in scripts. The extended TextFileOpen command simplifies the output of protocol information and error messages in the DIAdem logfile. The script editor can auto-complete expressions which contain selection terms (Enums). The new DropInformation object provides the script with information about the dropped object when you, for example, drag and drop groups, channels, or properties onto a worksheet. Fixed Issues in DIAdem 2012 SP1The following list contains the CAR IDs and the descriptions of the problems solved between DIAdem 2012 and DIAdem 2012 SP1. Use the CAR ID to check in the list whether the issue has been fixed. The DIAdem Knowledgebase contains a list of fixed issues from earlier DIAdem versions under the search term Fixed Issues. General 393773 | The table of contents in the Help of the Japanese version contains some invalid characters. | 394034 | The Japanese user interface contains a few incorrect translations. |
NAVIGATOR 367099 | When converting log files with the .mdf file extension, the Bus Log Converter generates time values which are divided by factor 10. | 375365 | When converting version 10.3 PCAN trace files with more than 8 data bytes per record with the Bus Log Converter, the system can crash. | 380241 | The AOP5 DataPlugin cannot write Boolean attributes to an ASAM ODS server. | 380247 | The AOP5 DataPlugin cannot write DS_EXTERNALREFERENCE and DT_EXTERNALREFERENCE type attributes to an ASAM ODS server. | 381015 | Writing a date-time channel with an AOP5 server can lead to access violation. | 410113 | In the English and Japanese versions DIAdem displays an empty entry instead of the text "Load All Submatrices" in the context menu of data stores. |
ANALYSIS 363884 | In the English and Japanese version of the "Find Peaks" function, the search criteria Maxima and Minima are reversed. | 379999 | In the English version there are errors when executing the calculation template Calculation_Example.tca. The associated dialog box for editing this calculation cannot be opened. |
REPORT 342582 | The help for the REPORT dialog boxes contains links to the previous API instead of the object-oriented API. | 368455 | During a curve transformation, DIAdem sometimes generates invalid channel objects. | 372775 | Printing PDFs does not work if no LPT port or free printer port is available. | 378360 | Exporting as PDF document switches the standard printer to "DIAdem PDF Export". | 379273 | For scaled output DIAdem sometimes uses an incorrect page ratio. | 393784 | WMF files are not exported as placeable WMF files. | 408644 | X-constants in 2D axis systems do not support the VU function. |
SCRIPT 381589 | If you generate or change subaxes with the object-oriented script interface in REPORT, an access violation may occur. | 382211 | The DirListGet() command generates an error during the recursive search if the command encounters a folder that only contains other folders but no files, during the search. | 391006 | DIAdem refreshes the Data Portal after executing the LoadChannelsByName() command, even if the refresh was previously disabled with the UIAutoRefreshSet command. | 402539 | Rounding errors might occur with the Str() function and predefined formats. | Fixed Issues in DIAdem 2012The following list contains the CAR IDs and the descriptions of the problems solved between DIAdem 2011 and DIAdem 2012. Use the CAR ID to check in the list whether the issue has been fixed. The DIAdem Knowledgebase contains a list of fixed issues from earlier DIAdem versions under the search term Fixed Issues. General 308547 | The conversion factor of the base unit in the kgf/cm^2 unit deviates by the factor 100 from the correct value 98066.5. | 326255 | If the cursor idles over a bar element of an open group bar and the key combination is pressed, DIAdem does not save information about the bar element to the clipboard. | 328108 | Under certain circumstances refresh problems might occur in DIAdem NAVIGATOR and DIAdem VIEW. | 337309 | The hexadecimal formatting cannot format numbers greater than 2^31-1. | 352977 | On 64-bit operating systems the PDF export does not generate documents or the function leads to DIAdem not being operable. |
Data Portal 308344 | If a filter is enabled, you cannot move channels. | 329454 | The levels of the structure view cannot be extended or collapsed if the Ctrl key is pressed at the same time. | 341182 | The property DisplayName for Property returns the same value as the property Name for Property . |
NAVIGATOR 308564 | If you use the context menu entry "Load Data with Loading Configuration", DIAdem does not always execute this function correctly. | 309997 | In the main dialog box of the CAN converter, the cancel button does not work correctly. The CAN converter does not reset changed settings. | 315216 | The CAN converter does not display the original address for masked IDs in a property or in a part of the group name if the database file is a file with the J1939 mode. | 315436 | When converting NI NCL files, the CAN converter uses 01/01/1601 as a time basis, instead of displaying the time channels as relative time channels. As of DIAdem 2011 SP1, the starting time is located in the CANTimeStamp group property. | 315812 | After the interactive CAN conversion the result file is registered and cannot be saved. | 317020 | The DataFinder cannot optimize and search for the channel property wf_start_time. | 318357 | If you load channels with the CSV DataPlugin and access a channel value, the length of this channel then corresponds to the position of the changed value in the channel. | 322360 | The Bus Log Converter does not include the FE joker at the DestinationAddress of a J1939 ID. | 326038 | If the elements of a search cannot all be loaded, this can lead to a memory leek. | 333333 | On Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7, mapped network drives may not be displayed in the browser. | 334644 | DIAdem cannot read ATF files which contain DT_BOOLEAN type channels. | 335427 | Under certain conditions the Excel import wizard displays the value 0 in the name column and not the correct text for some properties. | 335958 | The Audio DataPlugin cannot load WAV files from paths that contain Japanese characters. | 340228 | Saving column configurations of the search results list in the DataFinder or the DataStore also includes automatic columns. Therefore columns might occur in the search results list which were not used in the search and were not added manually. | 340981 | DIAdem does not load ATF files correctly if they contain different application names for AoLocalColum.values. | 344477 | DIAdem does not load implicit channels correctly with the AOP3 (RPC) Plugin from an AVL Santorin server if the submatrix mode is selected. | 344725 | The AOP5 DataPlugin does not release all Corba references. This leads to problems if several hundred open/close procedures are executed. |
VIEW 180170 | The contour display does not support waveforms, which is 3D data in matrix structure, with x-values created from the waveform properties of the z-channels. | 299813 | If the active area contains a 3D model and ESC is pressed, DIAdem does not refresh this area. | 307451 | You cannot zoom JPG files. | 317215 | In axis systems with the setting "n Y-Axes", DIAdem only prints the first y-axis. | 317978 | The map display does not work with the Microsoft MapPoint map type if only the North America map is installed. | 323730 | If only little memory is available, DIAdem might crash under certain circumstances when a VIEW layout is loaded. | 329414 | The dialog box "Find Channel Value" might lead to a crash if "Load bulk data on modification of channel data" is enabled as the loading behavior. | 334090 | The Y2 coordinate of a free frame cursor cannot be entered in the coordinate window. | 334691 | DIAdem does not completely print out text fields that contain DIAdem expressions with @ characters. | 336685 | After a page is renamed, an area with a 2D axis system turns black. | 336764 | The property ChannelSearchByName for Settings, which determines whether DIAdem uses channel names instead of channel numbers when assigning channels, has been renamed ChannelReferenceByName for Settings. However, scripts which use the previous names can still run. | 338268 | In the map display you cannot specify channels in the form "group name/channel name". | 341926 | Because the "OpenStreetmaps 2" server is no longer available, no map is displayed when this setting is selected. As of DIAdem 2012 the "OpenStreetmaps 2" setting displays the same as the "OpenStreetmaps 1" setting. | 344976 | When intersection curves are used in the display type, DIAdem might crash under certain circumstances. |
ANALYSIS 307229 | Channel number strings that have a separator at the end lead to errors. | 307610 | The command ChnD3InterpPoint only works for the interpolation procedure SISPL surface. | 333792 | The crash function CWV returns incorrect results. | 334713 | The commands ChnAdd and ChnAverage process channels with dimensionless units, which have different categories, for example, rad, and sr, without an error message and thereby overwrite the unit of the input channel. | 354196 | In references you cannot use the @ character in channel names within the calculation template of the calculation manager. |
REPORT 299772 | If a curve lies outside the axis system in a 2D axis system, DIAdem does not display a filling pattern in the "Filled area" display mode. | 307079 | When refreshing a master layout, DIAdem might change the worksheet orientation from portrait to landscape. | 307228 | In 2D axis systems, DIAdem does not display a filling below a curve if the curve lies outside the axis system. | 307230 | If you select a filling color that uses filling effects in the "Filled area" display mode, the "Curve related" filling mode might lead to an incorrect display. | 307935 | If you change curve entries of expanding curves in the curve and axis definition dialog box of a 2D axis system and then close the dialog box with cancel, DIAdem creates additional curves. | 308343 | When you are using 2D axis systems in the expansion mode, DIAdem, under certain circumstances, may delete channels. | 308774 | DIAdem may position coordinates incorrectly when the axis system is scaled manually. | 313486 | Black bars in an axis system with black axes lead to a program crash. | 313695 | If you copy a worksheet, which contains a text object, this leads to an error. | 314806 | The WMF export does not include the specified page layout. In addition, a frame affects the proportions of the exported object. | 319581 | In some cases it leads to a program crash if you drag and drop a property from the Data Portal into the legend dialog box. | 319826 | The setting "Bound to axis system" for the color legend of a 3D axis system leads to an error. | 325981 | DIAdem does not display a curve section you inserted with CurveSnippet into a free text, if the text also has a background color. | 326634 | A master layout added with the command ReportMasterAdd and which is then deleted uses leads to a memory leak. | 327120 | Under certain circumstances DIAdem deletes channels from the Data Portal during the curve transformation in a 2D axis system. | 332455 | Depending on the marker type, DIAdem does not display the curve marker in the center. | 332457 | If you export layouts that contain tables into PowerPoint, some PowerPoint pages might be empty. | 332458 | If you export a table, whose titles have a line break and vbCrLf, into PowerPoint, the titles are not displayed in PowerPoint. | 332927 | DIAdem positions the coordinates in a 3D axis system incorrectly if the x-channel is only monotonic but not strictly monotonic. | 334292 | If you add curve coordinates to a 2D axis system with a bar display, DIAdem might crash under certain circumstances. | 339657 | If a z-value is to be displayed in a differential characteristic diagram, DIAdem displays the value of the first characteristic diagram instead of the difference. | 340167 | If a legend is bound to a 2D axis system, you cannot set the position correctly. | 344726 | If a channel name contains @-characters, errors might occur. | 356909 | Under certain circumstances the display of a constant channel with the value -10 in a 2D axis system might lead to a crash. |
SCRIPT 313178 | You cannot use ElementList type variables in the debug mode in DIAdem commands. | 313524 | If you assign a date/time value to the Value for Property property, without converting it with CDate, an error occurs. | 315632 | If you retrieve the command ChnLinGen and assign NoValues to the parameters GenXEnd and XNo, the subsequent deletion of the generated channel leads to an access violation. | 316012 | The ColorChoose command incorrectly sets the status of the DlgState variable, so you are unable to see how the dialog box was closed. | 329236 | The method VariantVarSet of the ToCommand interface cannot set user variables. | 333305 | For the minimum and maximum channel properties the property Value for Property does not return VB values but double type values for date/time values. | 335031 | If you delete a ChannelGroups collection, whose Channels collections you previously assigned VBS variables to, the program crashes. | 349590 | If the dialog box for registering user commands is empty, an error message displays. |
User Dialog Boxes 306760 | Copying a control element or a user dialog box generates invalid user dialog boxes in the Japanese version. | 325315 | If scroll bars are used in user dialog boxes, refresh problems might occur. | NI DIAdem Updates and NotificationsNational Instruments posts information about critical updates and security notifications on ni.com. Visit ni.com/info, and enter info code updates to access this information. Automating the Installation of NI ProductsYou can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes. However, starting with the August 2012 releases (products using NI Installers version 3.1 or later), you may need to perform additional steps before or during a silent installation of NI software. If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.0, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.0 separately before you install NI software. For more information, refer to the following KnowledgeBase articles: - For more information on silent installations of individual NI products, refer to KB 4CJDP38M, Automating the Installation of a Single Installer.
- For more information on silent installations of suited NI products, such as NI Developer Suite, refer to KB 4GGGDQH0, Automating the Installation of a Suited Installer.
- To determine what version of NI Installers your product contains, refer to KB 4CJDR18M, How Can I Determine the Type and Version of My National Instruments Installer?.
How to Use NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8When you install National Instruments software on Microsoft Windows 8, you will notice a few additional tiles on the Start screen, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), and the new NI Launcher. Using NI LauncherNI Launcher helps you find and launch installed NI products. It provides you with a method of finding NI products similar to the Start menu in previous versions of Microsoft Windows. To use NI Launcher, click the NI Launcher tile on the Start screen. NI Launcher launches the desktop and opens a menu containing a list of NI products. Click any NI product to launch it. Note MAX does not appear as a desktop shortcut when installed on Microsoft Windows 8. You can launch MAX either from the Start screen or from within NI Launcher. | Pinning Frequently Used ApplicationsFor convenience, you can pin your most-used NI applications, such as MAX, to either the Start screen or the Taskbar on the desktop, as necessary: Current Application | Icon Location | Pin to Action | Windows 8 Desktop | Desktop Taskbar | Right-click application and select Pin to Taskbar | Windows 8 Desktop | Start screen | Right-click application and select Pin to Start | Windows 8 Start screen | Desktop Taskbar | Right-click application and select Pin to taskbar from the menu bar on the bottom of the screen | Finding All ProgramsIf you want to find a particular application or related files, such as documentation files, from the Start screen, you can access all installed files by right-clicking anywhere on the Start screen and selecting All apps. A list of all installed software and related files appears, in alphabetical order by creator or type. For more information about NI support for Windows 8, visit ni.com/windows8. NI DIAdem Drops Support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 in 2016NI DIAdem Drops Support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 as of July 1, 2016. Versions of NI DIAdem that ship after July 1, 2016 will not install or run on Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003. For detailed information about NI application software product life cycles, visit ni.com/info and enter one of the following Info Codes: Product | Info Code | NI LabVIEW | lifecycle | NI LabWindows/CVI | cvi_lifecycle | NI Measurement Studio | mstudiolifecycle | NI TestStand | tslcp | NI DIAdem | ddlcp | NI SignalExpress | selcp | NI VeriStand | nivslifecycle |
Important InformationCopyright © 2012-2013 National Instruments Ireland Resources Limited. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation. National Instruments respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction. End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation: - Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
- EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
- Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
Trademarks Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. Patents For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents. |