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[NI驱动程序] NI Vision Acquisition Software 2010.03 for LabVIEW 2009SP1 Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件VASMarch2010

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    NI Vision Acquisition Software 2010.03 for LabVIEW 2009SP1 Win32/64Eng 视觉采集软件VASMarch2010

    美国国家仪器视觉采集软件Vision Acquisition Software November 2010.03,VASMarch2010,VAS2010.03版本,石鑫华视觉珍藏版。

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    VAS2010.03.txt (238 Bytes, 下载次数: 56, 售价: 10 元)

    NI Vision Acquisition Software Release Notes
    March 2010
    This file contains important information about National Instruments Vision Acquisition Software, and is organized into the following sections:
    New Features
    Upgrade Considerations for Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Customers
    Minimum System Requirements
    Software Support
    Configuring NI-IMAQ
    Configuring NI-IMAQdx
    Known Issues
    NI Vision Acquisition Software allows you to acquire, display, and save images; control digital I/O on National Instruments image acquisition devices; and configure your driver software and hardware.
    The readme.html file for each NI Vision Acquisition Software driver is installed to the following default locations, where is the location to which National Instruments software is installed. For a list of known issues, refer to the individual driver readmes.
    • NI-IMAQ—\NI-IMAQ\Docs\readme.html
    • NI-IMAQdx—\NI-IMAQdx\Docs\readme.html
    • NI-IMAQ I/O—\NI-IMAQ IO\Docs\readme.html

    New Features
    This release of Vision Acquisition Software includes the following new features:
    NI-IMAQ 4.4
    NI-IMAQ is driver software for NI 17xx smart cameras, as well as analog, parallel digital, and Camera Link image acquisition devices.
    • Support for the NI PCIe-1433 high performance Camera Link image acquisition board
    • Support for the NI 1483
    • Support for power over Camera Link
    • Support for selecting camera files located outside of the \Data directory
    • Improved support for transferring camera files to a remote target
    NI-IMAQdx 3.6
    NI-IMAQdx is driver software that supports IEEE 1394, GigE Vision, DirectShow-compatible USB, and IP cameras.
    • GenICam GenApi v. 2.0.1
    • Chunk data support for GigE Vision cameras
    NI-IMAQ I/O 2.3.1
    NI-IMAQ I/O is the National Instruments I/O device driver software for controlling the digital I/O on IEEE 1394 hardware.
    • Bug fixes

    Upgrade Considerations for Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Customers
    NI-IMAQdx no longer supports Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras. This version of NI-IMAQdx uninstalls Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras. If you require Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras, you must download and install it separately. Visit ni.com/info and enter the info code legacy1394 for information about how to install Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras.

    Minimum System Requirements
    The development computer must meet the following requirements to run NI Vision Acquisition Software:
    • Pentium 4 1 GHz or equivalent processor
    • 512 MB RAM
    • Free hard disk space
      • NI-IMAQ: 460 MB
      • NI-IMAQdx: 360 MB
    • 1024 × 768 resolution video adapter and monitor
    • Internet Explorer 5.0 or later to view online documentation

    Software Support
    This section describes the operating systems and application development environments (ADEs) supported by NI Vision Acquisition Software.
    Operating Systems
    • Real-Time Module 8.2 or later
    • Windows 7/Vista/XP (32-bit)/2000/Server 2008 R2/Server 2003 R2 (32-bit). Refer to the following table for more information.
    Note  NI Vision Acquisition Software does not support Windows Server non-R2 editions.

    DeviceWindows 7 32-bit/Windows Vista 32-bitWindows 7 64-bit/Windows Vista 64-bit/Server 2008 R2
    NI 1405YesYes*
    NI 1407YesYes*
    NI 1408NoNo
    NI 1409YesYes*
    NI 1410YesYes*
    NI 1411YesYes*
    NI 1422YesYes*
    NI 1424YesYes*
    NI 1426YesYes*
    NI 1427YesYes*†
    NI 1428YesYes*
    NI 1429YesYes*†
    NI 1430YesYes*†
    NI 1433YesYes*†
    NI 1483YesYes*
    NI 8231YesYes
    NI 8234YesYes
    NI 8235YesYes
    NI 8252YesYes
    NI 8254RYesYes
    NI 8255RYesYes
    *  Applications developed using  8.2.1 or later will run on systems with more than 3 GB of physical memory. Applications developed using other development environments, such as Microsoft Visual C, Visual Basic, and .Net, are limited to systems with 3 GB or less of physical memory. All 32-bit applications, including those developed using , may not allocate more than 2 GB of memory total.
    †  A firmware update is available for this device to allow non- applications to run on systems with more than 3 GB of physical memory. To update the device firmware, launch MAX and select Tools»NI Vision»Update NI-IMAQ Device Firmware.
    Development Environments
    • 8.2 and later (NI-IMAQ I/O does not support  2009 (64-bit))
    • Real-Time Module 8.2 or later
    • LabWindows/CVI 8.2 or later
    • Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0 or later
    • Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 or later
    • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 and later (except NI-IMAQ I/O)

    Complete the following steps to install NI Vision Acquisition Software:
    Note: You must have administrator access to install the NI Vision Acquisition Software.
    • Insert the NI Vision Acquisition Software installation DVD in the DVD-ROM drive.
    • If you do not have autorun enabled, double-click autorun.exe. If you have autorun enabled, autorun.exe runs automatically.
    • Follow the onscreen instructions.
    NI-IMAQ and NI-IMAQdx integrate with MAX, the National Instruments utility for configuring and testing your measurement and automation system. The MAX icon appears on your desktop after you install NI Vision Acquisition Software.

    Configuring NI-IMAQ
    Complete the following steps to install an image acquisition device and configure NI-IMAQ:
    Note: You must install NI-IMAQ before installing your image acquisition device.
    Caution: Power off and unplug the computer before installing your hardware. Wait for any motherboard LEDs to power off before proceeding, since some computers remain powered for some time after being unplugged.
    • Install your image acquisition device, and connect the camera. Refer to the device documentation for specific hardware installation instructions.
    • Run MAX.
      • Double-click the MAX icon on the desktop. You can use MAX to modify camera properties. Once you have saved these properties, they become the default settings for all NI-IMAQ applications.
      • Expand Devices and Interfaces and NI-IMAQ Devices to display a list of the image acquisition devices installed on your computer.
    • Select a camera file, and acquire an image.
      • Click the plus sign next to the image acquisition device to expand the menu tree and list the available channels or ports. Right-click the channel or port to display a list of available cameras.
      • Select the appropriate camera type from the list. Camera type selection varies according to the image acquisition device installed.
      • To change the camera settings, modify the parameters at the bottom of the image viewer panel.
      • You can acquire an image in the following ways:
        • Use the Snap button to acquire and display a single image with the image acquisition device.
        • Use the Grab button to acquire images continuously. A grab allows you to focus the camera.

    Tip: For a complete list of supported cameras, right-click the channel or port, select Camera, and click Search ni.com.
    Note: Refer to the right side of the MAX user interface, which displays context-sensitive help, for information about configuring image acquisition devices with MAX.
    Configuring a Remote PXI/Compact PCIe Image Acquisition Device
    Use MAX to install NI-IMAQ for  Real-Time from the host machine onto the target system. The NI-IMAQ for  Real-Time components enable the remote device to acquire and analyze images as directed by the host machine.
    Note: Install NI-IMAQ and the  Real-Time Module on the remote system before you install and configure the image acquisition device. Follow the steps in the MAX help window to install software.
    Tip: Configuring remote image acquisition devices is similar to configuring local image acquisition devices, except that the procedure for working with camera files is different. Refer to the Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-IMAQ for information about working with camera files on remote image acquisition devices.
    • Launch MAX.
    • In the Configuration tree, expand Remote Systems.
    • Expand the appropriate system.
    • Expand Devices and Interfaces.
    • Expand NI-IMAQ Devices.
    • Expand the device you want to configure.
    Refer to the Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-IMAQ for information about configuring specific NI image acquisition devices. You can access this help file from the MAX Help menu by selecting Help»Help Topics»NI Vision»NI-IMAQ.

    Configuring NI-IMAQdx
    Complete the following steps to install and configure NI-IMAQdx.
    If you are using a USB camera, ensure that the camera is compatible with DirectShow, and that the camera driver is installed and functioning. For specific information about drivers and camera compatibility, consult your camera manufacturer documentation.
    Instructions for configuring an IEEE 1394 or GigE Vision camera are included in the Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-IMAQdx. You can access this help file from the MAX Help menu by selecting Help»Help Topics»NI Vision»NI-IMAQdx.
    Installing IEEE 1394 Hardware
    Install your IEEE 1394 interface card. Follow the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.
    Installing the High Performance GigE Vision Driver
    If you have an Intel Pro/1000 Series gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC), it is recommended that you install the High Performance GigE Vision Driver. This will ensure optimized performance and minimal configuration. To associate your hardware with the high performance driver, complete the following steps.
    • Install your NIC.
      • If Windows does not prompt you to choose a driver, proceed to step 2.
      • If Windows prompts you to choose a driver, proceed to step 3.
    • Right-click the NIC in the Device Manager, and select Update Driver.
    • Choose not to connect to the Windows Update Web site, and click Next.
    • Choose to Install from a list or a specific location, and click Next.
    • Choose Don't Search. I will choose the driver to install.
    • Click Next.
    • Select National Instruments GigE Vision driver from the list, and click Next.
    • Click Finish.
      Note: Windows may return a warning stating that the driver is unsigned. It is safe to ignore the warning.

    Installing the Universal GigE Vision Driver
    NI-IMAQdx will work with any standard gigabit Ethernet NIC. To use NI-IMAQdx with a standard gigabit Ethernet NIC, complete the following steps:
    • Install the NIC and any related drivers. Refer to the NIC device documentation for installation instructions.
    • Enable jumbo frames (frame packet size is greater than 1,500 bytes) on your NIC.
      • Right-click the NIC in the Device Manager, and select Properties.
      • Click the Advanced tab, and Jumbo Frames will appear in the Property list if supported by your NIC.
      • Select the largest frame size available and click OK.
      Note: The procedure for enabling jumbo frames on your NIC may vary by manufacturer. Refer to the NIC device documentation for more information about enabling jumbo frames.
    • Disable the Windows Firewall or any additional third party firewalls on the port. Windows Firewall can be disabled on individual ports from the Advanced tab of the Windows Firewall applet.
    Configuring Multiple Ports
    If you plan to use multiple ports with NI-IMAQdx, complete the following steps:
    • Open the Network Connections window in Windows, and select all of the ports that cameras will be connected to by holding while clicking each port.
    • Right-click one of the selected ports, and choose Bridge Connections.
      Note: If you are not using the High Performance Driver, you will be unable to use jumbo frames on bridged devices.

    Configuring NI-IMAQdx for Windows
    Complete the following steps to configure NI-IMAQdx for Windows:
    • Connect the camera.
    • Run MAX.
      • Double-click the MAX icon on your desktop. You can use MAX to modify camera attributes. After you have saved these attributes, they become the default settings for all NI-IMAQdx or NI Vision applications.
      • Expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-IMAQdx in the configuration tree to display a list of the cameras installed on your computer.
      • For IEEE 1394 cameras, NI-IMAQdx may not be associated with the camera. If this is the case, change the associated driver by right-clicking the camera and selecting Driver»NI-IMAQdx.
      • Select the camera from the list. You then can view or modify the camera attributes on the Camera Attributes tab located below the image viewer.

    Tip: Click the Show Help button to display the help window on the right side of the image viewer. Move your mouse over the properties to view context-sensitive help in the bottom half of the help window.
    Configuring NI-IMAQdx for the  Real-Time Module
    If you are using a Windows development machine, the  Real-Time Module, and an RT target, complete the following steps to install and configure NI-IMAQdx:
    Note: NI-IMAQdx does not support USB cameras on the  Real-Time Module.
    • Install NI-IMAQdx software on your Windows development machine.
    • Ensure that your RT target is connected to the same subnet as the Windows development machine.
    • Run MAX.
      • Double-click the MAX icon on your desktop.
      • Expand the Remote Systems list in the configuration tree.
      • Select your RT target in the list.
      • Configure your network settings. Refer to the Remote Systems Help in MAX (Help»Help Topics»Remote Systems) for instructions about configuring network settings.
    • Install NI-IMAQdx on the RT target.
      • Click the Software item below the RT target in the configuration tree.
      • Click Install Software on the MAX toolbar to launch the  Real-Time Install Software Wizard.
      • Select NI-IMAQdx RT, as well as any additional software you would like to install on the target machine.
      • Click Next. Review the list of software you selected to install.
      • Click Next to begin downloading the software to the target machine. When MAX has finished downloading the software, it restarts the remote device.
      • Click Finish.
    • Connect your camera to your remote system.
    • Press to refresh the MAX configuration tree. Your camera should be listed in the Remote Systems list.
      Tip: Press to refresh the configuration tree whenever you connect a new device to an RT target.
    • Expand Devices and Interfaces»NI-IMAQdx in the configuration tree to display a list of the cameras installed on your computer.
    • Select the camera from the list. You then can view or modify the camera attributes from the Camera Attributes panel located below the image viewer.

    Known Isues
    National Instruments is committed to maintaining compatibility with Microsoft Windows technology changes. However, NI has become aware of a number of issues of potential significance regarding Microsoft Windows 7. To learn how Windows 7 affects your use of NI products, visit ni.com/info and enter the info code windows7.

    The NI Vision Acquisition Software documentation is installed onto your hard drive with NI Vision Acquisition Software. The documentation ships as Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF) files and HTML Help files. To view the NI Vision Acquisition Software documentation, select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Vision»Documentation.
    Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader with Search and Accessibility 5.0.5 or later installed to view the PDFs. Refer to the Adobe Systems Incorporated Web site at www.adobe.com to download Adobe Reader.
    NI  Documentation
    You can access the NI-IMAQ VI Reference Help and the NI-IMAQdx VI Reference Help from the  Help menu. In , select Help»NI Vision for  Help.
    .NET Documentation
    The NI Vision Acquisition Software .NET documentation merges into the NI Measurement Studio Help. The NI Measurement Studio Help integrates into the Visual Studio Combined Help Collection under the Measurement Studio node in the Table of Contents. In order for links from Measurement Studio help topics to .NET Framework help topics to work, you must install the product documentation for Visual Studio, which installs the MSDN Library. This requires a secondary installation during the Visual Studio installation process.
    The NI Measurement Studio Help is in the Microsoft Help 2.0 format and requires a Microsoft Help 2.0 viewer to be displayed. A Microsoft Help 2.0 viewer is installed with both Microsoft Visual Studio and the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK. The SDK is freely available from MSDN at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads. If you do not have either of these products, you will need a standalone Microsoft Help 2.0 viewer to display the documentation. Some Help 2.0 viewers are available for download, such as Helpware's H2Viewer.
    • NI Measurement Studio Help—Contains reference information about NI Vision for .NET objects. Describes how to create machine vision and image processing applications in Visual Basic .NET and C# using the NI Vision Development Module. You can launch the NI Measurement Studio Help in the following ways:
      If you have Measurement Studio installed:

      • From the Windows Start menu, select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»»Measurement Studio Documentation, where is the location to which Measurement Studio is installed. The help launches in a stand-alone help viewer.
      • From Visual Studio, select Measurement Studio»NI Measurement Studio Help.
      If you do not have Measurement Studio installed:
      • From Visual Studio, select Help»Contents to view the Visual Studio table of contents. The NI Measurement Studio Help is listed in the table of contents.

    © 2010 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and  are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.


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