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[NI软件套件] NI Video Measurement Suite 3.2 Win32Eng NI视频测量套件NIVMS3.2

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    NI Video Measurement Suite 3.2 Win32Eng NI视频测量套件NIVMS3.2

    Video Measurement Suite视频测量套件
    Video Measurement Suite可用于分析测试模式,适用于视频测试应用。
    Video Measurement Suite包含的软件可用于分析静态视频测试模式,适用于复合、组件、HDMI和DVI视频测试应用。随附的软件可与受支持的PXI示波器和PXI音频和视频分析仪配合使用,以1080p60的格式获取高带宽数字内容保护(HDCP)加密的内容。此外,您还可以应用视频分析函数库,例如3D视频分析。Video Measurement Suite为实现HDTV VGA分辨率提供软件支持,并包含NI多媒体测试(MMT)驱动程序。

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    文件大小: 727358088 字节 (693.66 MB)
    修改日期: 2013-01-26 05:35
    MD5: 4eb668535d7ad8302593060c912b2024
    SHA1: ff32c047ce22cafcedc454d1316bdcf8aff8bf1f
    SHA256: 4f0d5ea81e452159b8045a4d35d2cfd1240a13f10f57f1eb4acba60efba1ca4b
    CRC32: 7b52cf16

    NIVMS3.2.txt (543 Bytes, 下载次数: 4, 售价: 10 元)

    NI Video Measurement Suite Readme
    Version 3.2

    Thank you for using the National Instruments Video Measurement Suite (NI VMS). This file contains important information regarding NI VMS and is organized into the following sections:
    • New Features
    • Installed External Tools
    • System Requirements
      • Hardware Requirements
      • Software Requirements
    • Installing NI VMS
    • Installed File Names and Locations
    • Updates and Notifications
    • Evaluation and Activation
    • Updates and Notifications
    • Uninstalling/Modifying NI VMS
    • Known Issues
    • Bug Fixes
    • Automating the Installation of NI Products
    • Important Information
    New Features
    NI VMS 3.2 includes the following new features:
    • Support for LabVIEW 2011 SP1 (32-bit) and 2012 (32-bit).
    • Support for TestStand 2010 SP1 and TestStand 2012.
    • Support for the NI PXIe-1491, including the following features:
      • VIs and example VIs for programming the NI PXIe-1491 in LabVIEW.
      • support for deep color video (video with greater than 8 bits per color channel)
    • NI VMS installs with the DLL-based interface enabled. (Previous versions installed with the COM-based interface enabled). Users can still switch beween the two interfaces. Refer to the NI Video Master Suite Help for more information.
    • Improved analog measurements.
    • The NI CEC Analyzer 1.1, which installs with NI VMS, includes support for the NI PXIe-1491.
    • The NI EDID Update Utility 1.1, which installs with NI VMS, includes the following new features:
      • Support for the NI PXIe-1491.
      • Support for editing specific data in the EDID.
      • Support for viewing additional information about a selected section of the EDID.

    NI VMS 3.1 includes the following new features:
    • Extended digital Edge Finder and Level Meter analysis.
    • Extended Video Signal Information functionality.
    • Improved internal buffer structure optimization for reduced memory usage.
    • Product name change from NI VideoMASTER to NI Video Measurement Suite (VMS) and implementation of NI licensing and activation.
    • Support for analyzing 3D video.
    • Support for LabVIEW 2010 (32-bit).
    • Support for TestStand 2010.
    NI VideoMASTER 3.0.2 includes the following new features:
    • Built software in LabVIEW 2009 SP1 to allow large memory awareness and the ability to gain access to 3 GB of process memory.
    • Improved core analysis function to improve accuracy of Short Time Distortion for all video standards on the transition overshoot and undershoot measurements.
    • Reduced memory footprint.
    • Added support for 32-bit .bmp file support.
    • Added NI TestStand 4.2.1 support.
    NI VideoMASTER 3.0.1 includes the following new features:
    • HDMI support for more than 2047 lines.
    • Support for unlimited function line and start line range in VideoMASTER Acquire VI.
    • Lowered component H-timing threshold from 50 mV to 20 mV to facilitate low level signals.
    • Improved cursor handling in the VideoMASTER picture display.
    • Increased decimal places of precision from two to three in Level Meter and Edge Finder measurement functions.
    • Improved internal HSDIO resource handling.
    • Improved memory handling.
    NI VideoMASTER 3.0 includes the following new features:
    • Full HDMI support using a multimedia test device.
    • Support for 10 and 12 bit deep color HDMI acquisition when using a multimedia test device and two separate acquisitions.
    • Support for BT-656 acquisition.
    • Improved DC level measurement algorithim that fixes the phase error in the CAV Channel Delay measurement, adds VGA auto-line interval detection and usage, and might cause DC level measurement results to deviate about 0.1% compared to NI VideoMASTER 2.2.0 and earlier.
    • Results from improved algorithm to measure composite chrominance AM/PM might deviate from those of NI VideoMASTER 2.2.0 and earlier.
    • Improved sync and color handling for analog waveforms.
    • Support for 1080p/50Hz and 60Hz analog component formats.
    • Extended range of VGA resolutions now available for acquisition. The VGA line period is automatically detected. For older video binary files, however, the ini settings are still used.
    • Support for acquisition of MacroVision-encoded composite signals using the trigger circuitry on the NI VideoMUX instead of using trigger circuitry on a digitizer.
    • Support for a new default XML-based video format. Earlier binary formats can still be read.
    • Video standards referenced by name are now independent of their order and sequence in the video standards files.
    • Support for VBF to image file conversion to export the internal video buffer to an image file for analysis in NI TestStand, LabVIEW, or the NI VideoMASTER user interface.
    • Support for image file to VBF conversion to import an image file into the NI VideoMASTER video buffer for offline analysis in NI TestStand, LabVIEW, or the NI VideoMASTER UI.
    • Support for video signal info measurement for both analog and digital signals.
    • DLL-based NI VideoMASTER core.
    • Support for LabVIEW 2009 (32-bit).
    • Support for a new VI: VideoMASTER Acquire Digital VI.
    • Improved thread safeness of video memory management to support future releases of video/audio tools.
    • Support for enabling hardware configurator dialog when only digital features are licensed.
    • Improved error handling in demo test programs.
    • Support for TestStand 4.1, 4.1.1, and 4.2.
    • Improved result handling in NI TestStand interface. Step.Result.Measurement now empties, and the result is set to None.
    • Support for NI PXI/PCI-5122EX, NI PCIe-5122, NI PXI/PCI-5124EX, NI PXI/PXIe/PCI/PCIe-5142, NI PXIe-6544, NI PXIe-6547, and NI PXIe-6548.
    • National Instruments branding.
    Installed External Tools
    NI VMS installs the following external tools:
    • NI CEC Analyzer—Analyzes CEC messages exchanged between HDMI devices.
    • NI EDID Update Utility—Updates the EDID of a multimedia test device to enable simulation of various HDMI devices for HDMI testing.
    System RequirementsHardware Requirements
    NI VMS requires the following hardware:
    • Required hardware for analog video
      • NI 5122, NI 5124, or NI 5142 scope device—for acquiring analog video signals
      • NI VideoMUX—optional external video multiplexer for multichannel switching for composite video and for the acquisition of component video
    • Required hardware for digital video
      • NI PXIe-1491—for acquiring HDMI and DVI signals
      • There are no front-end hardware requirements for the acquisition of BT-656 signals.

    NOTE: The NI PXIe-1491 has replaced the NI PXI-2172 and NI PXIe-6545 in NI VMS test systems. While NI VMS still installs the driver for the NI PXI-2172 and supports the NI PXI-2172 and NI PXIe-6545 legacy hardware solution, NI does not recommend using this hardware solution in new test systems.
    Software Requirements
    The following sections describe the NI driver, operating system, minimum system, and recommended system requirements for using NI VMS.
    NI Driver and Software Package Requirements
    When you install NI VMS you are prompted to insert the August 2012 - NI Devices Driver DVD in order to install the following required drivers:
    • NI-HSDIO 1.7.5 or later—for using NI VMS and the NI EDID Update Utility
    • NI-SCOPE 3.8.5 or later—for using NI VMS
    • NI-SWITCH 4.3.5 or later—for using NI VMS
    • NI-RIO 12.0.0 or later—for using NI VMS and the NI CEC Analyzer.
    You can find the latest versions of all required drivers on the National Instruments website at ni.com.
    Supported Operating Systems
    NI VMS 3.2 and later supports the following operating systems:
    • Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows XP Service Pack (SP3) (32-bit)
    • Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
    Note  NI VMS 3.2 and later does not support Windows Server non-R2 editions.
    NI recommends that you have the most recent service pack for your operating system installed.
    Minimum System Requirements
    • Processor—Core 2 Duo 1.86 GHz or equivalent
    • RAM—4 GB
    • An embedded PXI controller or a standard PC with an MXI connection to a PXI chassis containing the measurement hardware
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
    • A screen resolution of 1280 x 1024 with 256 colors
    • Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)/Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)/XP SP3 (32-bit), with all available critical updates and service packs
    Recommended System
    • Processor—Quad Core 1.7 GHz or equivalent
    • RAM—4 GB
    • A screen resolution of 1280 x 1024
    • Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)/Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)/XP SP (32-bit), with all available critical updates and service packs
    Application Environments (AEs)
    • LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (32-bit), 2010 SP1 (32-bit), 2011 SP1 (32-bit), and 2012 (32-bit)
    • NI TestStand 4.2, 4.2.1, 2010, 2010 SP1, and 2012
    • Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) 6.0 or later
    Installing NI VMS
    Complete the following steps to install NI VMS:
    • Install any application environments in which you use NI VMS.
    • Insert the NI VMS media. The NI VMS installer should open automatically. If not, select Start»Run, and enter x:\setup.exe, where x is the letter of the media drive.
    • Follow the instructions in the installation prompts. (Windows 7/Vista) You might see access and security messages during installation. Accept the prompts to complete the installation.
    • For information on installing support for analog video acquisition, refer to the NI Video Measurement Suite Help.
    After you have installed all required software for NI VMS, refer to the Getting Started with NI VMS topic in the NI Video Measurement Suite Help for more information.
    Installed File Names and Locations
    • is an alias for the following National Instruments file folder location:
      • Windows XP: Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\National Instruments
      • Windows 7/Vista: Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments
    • is an alias for the following National Instruments file folder location:
      • Windows 7 (32-bit)/Vista (32-bit)/XP: Program Files\National Instruments\
      • Windows 7 (64-bit)/Vista (64-bit): Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\

    File Locations
    ItemInstalled Location on Windows 7 (32-bit)/7 (64-bit)*/Vista (32-bit)/Vista (64-bit)*/XP
    NI VMS DLL (32-bit)\NI VMS\bin
    NI VMS Examples for NI TestStand\TestStand \Examples\NI VMS\Core
    NI VMS Examples for NI TestStand Utilities\TestStand \Examples\NI VMS\Utilities
    NI VMS Example Locations Files\NI VMS\Locations
    NI VMS Example Waveform Files\NI VMS\Waveforms
    *These software versions run within the 32-bit emulation layer, Windows on Windows (WOW64).

    Examples in the LabVIEW Example Finder
    To access NI VMS examples for LabVIEW, complete the following steps:
    • Select the Browse tab in the LabVIEW Example Finder.
    • Enable Task.
    • Navigate to Hardware Input and Output»Multimedia Test.
    NI VMS installs NI VMS documentation as well as documentation for the NI CEC Analyzer, the NI EDID Update Utility, and the NI PXIe-1491. Visit ni.com/manuals for the latest versions of product documentation. The following documentation installs with NI VMS:
    • NI Video Measurement Suite Readme
    • NI Video Measurement Suite Help—Contains instructions for using the standalone version of NI VMS and the NI VMS Configuration Panel in TestStand. Also, contains information about programming and fundamentals. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI Video Measurement Suite»Documentation to view this document after installing NI VMS.
    • NI CEC Analyzer Help—Contains instructions for using the NI CEC Analyzer. Also, contains information about NI CEC Analyzer VIs. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI CEC Analyzer»Documentation to view this document after installing NI VMS.
    • NI EDID Update Utility Help—Contains instructions for using the NI EDID Update Utility. Also, contains information about NI EDID Update Utility VIs. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI EDID Update Utility»Documentation to view this document after installing NI VMS.
    • NI PXIe-1491 Specifications—Printed and PDF format. Contains specifications for the NI PXIe-1491 device. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI Video Measurement Suite»Documentation to view this document after installing NI VMS.
    • NI PXIe-1491 Getting Started Guide—Printed and PDF format. Contains installation and configuration information for the NI PXIe-1491 device. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI Video Measurement Suite»Documentation to view this document after installing NI VMS.
    • NI Multimedia Test LabVIEW Reference Help—Contains information about NI Multimedia Test VIs. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI Video Measurement Suite»Documentation to view this document after installing NI VMS.
    Note  To view the specifications, you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. You can install the viewer from www.adobe.com/acrobat.
    Updates and Notifications
    National Instruments releases critical software updates after product release using the NI Update Service. Visit ni.com/info and enter updates to view a list of all currently available updates.
    National Instruments provides notification of certain critical issues at install time. Visit ni.com/info and enter notifications to view a list of current product notifications.
    Evaluation and Activation
    After installation, NI VMS offers up to 45 days of full functionality for evaluation purposes. After this period, NI VMS is unable to perform measurements unless activated. For information about license options for NI VMS, refer to the NI License Manager at Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI License Manager.
    Uninstalling/Modifying NI VMS
    For Windows XP, complete the following steps:
    • Launch the Control Panel by selecting Start»Control Panel.
    • Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
    • Select National Instruments Software.
    • Click Change/Remove.
    • Select NI VMS 3.2 from the dialog box that appears.
    • Click Remove to uninstall the product; click Modify to change the components that are installed.
    For Windows 7/Vista, complete the following steps:
    • Launch the Control Panel by selecting Start»Control Panel.
    • Double-click Programs and Features.
    • Select National Instruments Software.
    • Click the Uninstall/Change button.
    • Select NI VMS 3.2 from the dialog box that appears.
    • Click Remove to uninstall the product; click Modify to change the components that are installed.
    As part of the NI VMS installation, the following software may be installed. To completely remove the NI VMS installation from your system, you must also remove all of the following packages and files:
    • NI IO Trace 3.0.2
    • NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 5.3.3
    • NI PXI Platform Services 3.0.3
    • NI PXI Platform Services 3.0.3 Configuration Support
    • NI System Configuration Runtime 5.3.2
    • NI Update Service 2.2.1
    • NI-RIO 12.0
    • C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\Shared\AVTest\niMMT.ini*
    • at C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\NI VMS\nivms.ini*
    Caution  The software package listed above is shared with other NI software packages. If you attempt to remove a piece of software that something else is dependent on, a message launches to warn you about the software dependencies. You can choose to either uninstall all of the software or to leave the shared software installed. If you choose to uninstall the shared software, some of your other NI software may no longer function correctly.
    Note  Do not attempt to uninstall by manually deleting files, except for files in the above list marked with asterisks (*).
    Known Issues
    The following are known issues for NI VMS 3.2:
    • Software support for the PXIe-1491 includes the following issues:
      • You cannot enable ARC or transmit Ethernet data through the HDMI IN connector of the NI PXIe-1491, unless you are using NI AudioMASTER.
      • You cannot transmit data through the MONITOR OUT connector on the NI PXIe-1491.
    • A single RIO device in your test system may be listed twice in NI VMS, appearing in the Digital I/O control on the Hardware Configurator both as a RIO and as a VISA resource (VISA resources include the label "INSTR"). If this occurs, choose the device's RIO resource.
    • The memory used by NI VMS, whether called from the LabVIEW API or from TestStand, may remain allocated even after LabVIEW or TestStand exit. To resolve this issue, you must shut down the process named VideoMASTERCOM.exe from the task manager or reboot your system.
    • If you are using an NI VideoMUX and you upgrade from any version of NI VideoMASTER to NI VMS 3.1 or later, you must uninstall the USB driver for the NI VideoMUX that installed with NI VideoMASTER before you can associate any hardware with the USB driver installed with NI VMS 3.1 or later. Refer to the Installing NI VMS topic in the NI Video Measurement Suite Help for additional instructions for upgrading the USB driver.
    • You must restart your system after any NI VMS license change. So, you must restart your system both after installing NI VMS and after activating any NI VMS licenses.
    Bug Fixes
    There are no listed bug fixes in NI VMS 3.2 from NI VMS 3.1.
    The following items are changes in NI VMS 3.1 from NI VideoMASTER 3.0.2.
    IDFixed Issue
    200757Corrected a problem in which the picture display did not support the colors for PAL- Nc/M and PAL-N(3.58MHz).
    205105Corrected a problem in which digital noise spectrum measurements did not account for differences between sRGB, StudioRGB and YCbCr color formats.
    207452Corrected a problem in which the DC Restore option was always set to TRUE when measuring amplitudes, even when set to FALSE in the user interface. Now the setting for DC Restore in the UI accurately specifies the level measurements returned.
    214088Corrected a problem in which chrominance to Luminance gain measurement needed better chroma high-pass filters and an improved chroma peak detection algorithm.
    223708Corrected a problem in which multiframe acquisition in the VideoMASTER Software Lowpass Filter VI was averaged incorrectly. All acquired frames are now filtered correctly.
    239343Corrected a problem in which the cursors disappeared in the level editor for camera measurements.
    242177Corrected a problem in the zone editor in which Blemishes measurements incorrectly transferred limits, the framed zone for dust detection was not always visible and was not definable by text, and dust line reporting used a percent unit when it should have used no unit.
    242597Corrected a problem in which camera measurements were limited to line 50. This limitation has been removed.
    247015Corrected a problem in which digital video measurement documentation needed improvement.
    257044Corrected a problem in which the VideoMASTER VBF to Image File VI did not interlace signals correctly. Now both acquired fields are interlaced correctly, and if only one field is acquired, every other line is zero.
    279727Corrected a problem in which the line synchronization algorithm for component HDTV 1080p signals needed improvement.
    282596Corrected a problem in which the scaling in the VideoMASTER Imagefile to VBF VI was incorrect.
    287426Corrected a problem in which the CVBS Bar Line Time prerequisites for many measurements was not documented.
    291881Corrected a problem in which the H-Timing CVBS and S-Video backporch description was incorrect.
    298064Corrected a problem in which the first-time initialization when using the VideoMASTER VBF to Image File VI was incorrect.

    Automating the Installation of NI Products
    You can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes. However, starting with the August 2012 releases (products using NI Installers version 3.1 or later), you may need to perform additional steps before or during a silent installation of NI software.
    If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.0, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.0 separately before you install NI software.
    For more information, refer to the following KnowledgeBase articles:
    • For more information on silent installations of individual NI products, refer to KB 4CJDP38M, Automating the Installation of a Single Installer.
    • For more information on silent installations of suited NI products, such as NI Developer Suite, refer to KB 4GGGDQH0, Automating the Installation of a Suited Installer.
    • To determine what version of NI Installers your product contains, refer to KB 4CJDR18M, How Can I Determine the Type and Version of My National Instruments Installer?.

    Important Information
    © 2011–2012 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
    End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices
    You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations:
    • Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
    • EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
    • Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
    LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, ni.com, the National Instruments corporate logo, and the Eagle logo are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Trademark Information at ni.com/trademarks for other National Instruments trademarks.
    The terms, HDMI™ and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface™, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.

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