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[NI软件套件] NI Semiconductor Test System Development Software 20.0.0 x64Win10 64bitEng NI-STS半导体测试系统开发软件20.0.0

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    发表于 2021-9-1 14:33:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    NI Semiconductor Test System Development Software 20.0.0 x64Win10 64bitEng NI-STS半导体测试系统开发软件20.0.0


    Windows 10 64-bit
    Windows Server 2016 64-bit
    Windows Server 2019 64-bit
    文件大小: 25552226304 字节 (23.80 GB)
    修改日期: 2021-07-21 22:14
    MD5: 4027415174c9272ef25a20ad8cdc7a1a(官方正确)
    SHA1: c7d45ccc107d0f75e6998d1a8e1c168e6a4be63a
    SHA256: 84b8f6ae22fe61f6b246fea7b73e894bda4c8cdf9443c460fd7d1de34024b32e
    CRC32: 448336c6

    STS20.0.0.txt (637 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 30 元)

    STS Development Software 20.0 Readme
    April 2021
    This file contains important information about STS Development Software 20.0, including installation instructions and new features. STS Development Software is a collection of NI software for developing, executing, and debugging test programs on a non-STS computer.

    Included Components
    System Requirements
    Supported Controllers and Operating Systems
    Installation Considerations
    Installation Instructions
    Microsoft Visual Studio Support
    Product Security and Critical Updates
    New Features
    What's Changed
    Known Issues and Bug Fixes
    Accessing the Documentation
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    STS Development Software Drops Support for Windows 7 (32- and 64-Bit), Windows Server 2008 R2, and All 32-Bit Windows Operating Systems in 2021
    Legal Information

    Included Components
    STS Development Software 20.0 includes the following major components:
    • STS Development Software 20.0
    • TestStand 2020
    • NI TestStand Semiconductor Module™ 2020 (TSM)
    • LabVIEW 2020 SP1
    • LabVIEW 2020 SP1 Run-Time Engine
    • NI-Digital Pattern Driver 20.6.1
    • NI-DCPower 20.7.0
    • NI-SCOPE 20.7.0
    • NI-Sync 20.0.0
    • NI-RFPM 20.6.0
    • NI RFmx 20.7.0
    • NI-RFSA 20.7.0
    • NI-RFSG 20.7.0
    • STS Auxiliary Mixed Signal Tools 20.0.0
    • STS Auxiliary RF Tools 20.0.0
    • TSM RF Steps 20.0.0
    • STS Handler and Prober Drivers 20.0.0
    • STS Maintenance Software 20.0.0
    System Requirements
    STS Development Software 20.0 has the following requirements:
    • 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon processor (or equivalent)
    • At least 100 GB of disk space
    • At least 12 GB RAM (NI recommends 24 GB RAM)
    Supported Controllers and Operating Systems
    STS Development Software 20.0 supports the following controllers:
    • PXIe-8880
    • PXIe-8881
    STS Development Software 20.0 supports the following operating system:
    • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2019 (64-bit)
    Note  STS Development Software 20.0 does not support certain versions of Windows 10. Refer to Editions of Windows 10 Supported by NI Software for more information.
    Note  Refer to STS Development Software Drops Support for Windows 7 (32- and 64-Bit), Windows Server 2008 R2, and All 32-Bit Windows Operating Systems in 2021 for information about future OS support.
    Installation Considerations
    NI offers two installation paths for STS software—installing STS Software through the STS Version Selector and installing STS Development Software through NI Package Manager.
    NI recommends installing STS Development Software through NI Package Manager if you are using a non-STS computer and do not need to switch among versions of STS software. Use STS Development Software 20.0 to develop, run, and debug STS test programs on a non-STS computer without access to NI instruments. When test program development is complete, transfer the test program to an STS from which you will deploy the test program into a production environment.
    Note  If you install STS Development Software 20.0 through NI Package Manager, you cannot downgrade your software version. NI does not recommend updating components of STS Development Software on the non-STS computer. The set of software you use to develop an STS test program must match the set of software on the STS from which you will deploy the test program.
    If you need to switch among versions of STS software on a non-STS computer, install through the STS Version Selector. If you used a mechanism other than the STS Version Selector 19.0.0 or later to install any NI software on the STS or non-STS computer, you must reimage the computer before installing the latest version of the STS Version Selector. Refer to the STS Software 20.0 Readme for more information about installing STS Software through the STS Version Selector.
    Installation Instructions
    Download the STS Development Software installer from ni.com/downloads. NI software includes NI Package Manager to handle the installation. Refer to the NI Package Manager Manual for more information about installing, removing, and upgrading NI software using NI Package Manager.
    • If Windows Update is enabled, the installation process might hang if Windows Update interferes with the installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Run-Time. Visit ni.com/r/exjq43 for more information and steps to resolve this issue.
    • Use the serial number that is included with your software to activate STS Development Software. For more information on STS Development Software activation, refer to NI Software Activation.
    • You must restart the computer after you activate an STS software version.
    Microsoft Visual Studio Support
    If you are using NI .NET Class Libraries, .NET Framework 4.0 (minimum) is required. The NI .NET Class Libraries can be used with Visual C# or Visual Basic .NET in any Visual Studio version that can target .NET Framework 4.0 or .NET Framework 4.5.
    For information about versions of the .NET Framework and the drivers each supports, refer to NI .NET Support.
    Product Security and Critical Updates
    Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about NI products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from NI.
    Spectre and Meltdown
    Refer to Meltdown and Spectre - Processor Speculative Execution Vulnerabilities (Windows) for more information about addressing Spectre and Meltdown issues.
    New Features
    STS Development Software 20.0 adds the following major new features:
    New Hardware Support
    • PXIe-8881 controller—Added support for NI's new high-performance 8-Core Intel Xeon-based embedded controller.
    • SCT SC2250 HMU—Added support for harmonic measurements through the STS RF subsystem (6 GHz STS for 5G configuration).
    • PXIe-5820—Added support for envelope tracking and baseband RF I/Q.
    • PXIe-6594—Added support for high-speed serial instrument, up to 16.3 Gbps.
    • PXIe-4139 (40W)—Added support for high power (40W/10 A, Pulsed) SMU version.
    • PXIe-5841 with STS-5531—Added support for the PXIe-5841 Vector Signal Transceiver with STS-5531 as a 6 GHz, 1 GHz bandwidth, STS RF subsystem.
    • PXIe-5831 + PXIe-5841—Added support for the PXIe-5841 as a 44 GHz, 1 GHz bandwidth, STS mmWave subsystem with lower frequency IF.
    New and Improved Test Program Development and Debugging
    • NI TestStand Semiconductor Module™ 2020 (TSM)
      • TSM Sequence Call Step Type—Enables creation of customizable, reusable multistep IP parameter sequences.
      • TSM Relay Configuration Step—Enables naming and recall of custom system relay configurations.
      • NI-DCPower channel expansion—Enables aggregation of multiple SMU instrument sessions into a single session.
      • NI-DCPower compliance alarms—Alerts the user when the state of an NI-DCPower instrument exceeds programmed limits.
      • High-site-count operator interface—Provides enhanced operator interface (OI) options with optimizations for high-site-count DUT applications.
      • Automated test program generation from a Digital Pattern Editor Project.
    • Digital Pattern Editor
      • Automated DUT bring up/shutdown—Enables automation of DUT power sequencing and initialization patterns.
      • Interactive continuity check—Verifies measurement connection paths to the DUT.
      • Software-timed power sequencing—Provides user-defined DC power (DUT power) and digital pin power sequencing.
      • Filtering items in the System View—User interface improvements with advanced filtering options for high-pin-count DUTs and high-site-count DUT applications.
      • DUT register debug view—Quickly view the current DUT state and edit DUT registers with I2C, SPI, and MIPI RFFE protocols.
    • RF Steps and Tools
      • .NET C# RF measurement steps and debugging tools for 5G NR, WiFi-6E, and mmWave applications
      • Harmonics measurement support (HMU) through the STS RF subsystem (6 GHz STS for 5G configuration)
      • S-Parameters measurement support for the following STS RF subsystem configurations (up to 8 GHz): 6 GHz STS for 5G and 8 GHz STS for WiFi-6E
      • Noise figure measurement step (Y-factor method with synthetic noise source)
      • Handler and prober driver support:
        • (Improved) Accretech GPIB Prober Driver—Communicates with supported GPIB probers during test execution.
        • (Improved) General GPIB Handler Driver—Communicates with supported GPIB handlers during test execution.
        • (Improved) TEL GPIB Prober Driver—Communicates with supported TEL probers during test execution.
        • (New) General TTL Handler Driver—Communicates with supported TTL handlers during test execution.

    What's Changed
    STS Development Software 20.0 includes updates to the following major components.
    Note  This is not an exhaustive list of updated products in STS Development Software.
    Previous Version
    Current Version
    TestStand 2019 f2TestStand 2020
    TSM 2019 f3TSM 2020
    LabVIEW 2019 f2LabVIEW 2020 SP1
    LabVIEW 2019 SP1 f1 RTELabVIEW 2020 SP1 RTE
    STS Maintenance Software 19.5.0STS Maintenance Software 20.0.0
    NI-Digital Pattern Driver 19.0.1NI-Digital Pattern Driver 20.6.1
    NI-DCPower 20.0.0NI-DCPower 20.7.0
    NI-SCOPE 19.1.1NI-SCOPE 20.7.0
    NI-Sync 19.5.0NI-Sync 20.0.0
    NI-RFPM 19.0.2NI-RFPM 20.6.0
    NI RFmx 20.0.1NI RFmx 20.7.0
    NI-RFSA 19.6.0NI-RFSA 20.7.0
    NI-RFSG 19.6.0NI-RFSG 20.7.0
    STS Development Software 20.0 Auxiliary Components
    STS Development Software 20.0 changes the following auxiliary components.
    Note  This is not an exhaustive list of changed auxiliary components in STS Development Software.
    Previous Version
    Renamed/Current Version
    TSM RF Steps 19.5.0TSM RF Steps 20.0.0
    STS Auxiliary RF Tools 19.5.0STS Auxiliary RF Tools 20.0.0
    STS Auxiliary Mixed Signal Tools 19.5.0STS Auxiliary Mixed Signal Tools 20.0.0
    STS Handler and Prober Drivers 19.5.0STS Handler and Prober Drivers 20.0.0
    Known Issues and Bug Fixes
    You can access the known issues list and bug fixes list online. Refer to the private NI STS Technical Support Community, located at https://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-STS-Technical-Support/gp-p/5300, for an up-to-date list of known issues and bug fixes in STS Development Software 20.0. You can work directly with NI Services personnel contracted on your project to request to be added to the NI STS Technical Support Community.
    Accessing the Documentation
    Select Start»National Instruments»STS Help to access the STS Help, which includes information about STS Development Software 20.0.
    If you open help files directly from the <;Program Files>\National Instruments\STS\Documentation\Help directory, NI recommends that you open STSDocumentation.chm first because this file is a collection of help files and provides a complete table of contents and index.
    STS manuals are available as PDFs in the <;Program Files>\National Instruments\STS\Documentation\Manuals directory. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view the PDFs.
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    Microsoft Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system and features significant changes compared to previous versions. Windows 10 introduces several new capabilities and also combines features from both Windows 7 and Windows 8. For more information about NI support for Windows 10, visit ni.com/windows10.
    STS Development Software Drops Support for Windows 7 (32- and 64-Bit), Windows Server 2008 R2, and All 32-Bit Windows Operating Systems in 2021
    STS Development Software will drop support for Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit), Windows Server 2008 R2, and all 32-bit Windows operating systems starting in 2021. Versions of this product that ship after May 1, 2021, may not install or execute correctly on these operating systems. For detailed information about NI operating system support, visit ni.com/r/win32bitsupport.

    Legal Information
    © 2017–2021 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    NI respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
    End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices
    You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation:
    • Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
    • EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
    • Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
    U.S. Government Restricted Rights
    If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies.
    IVI Foundation Copyright Notice
    Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
    The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
    Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the NI Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.


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