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[NI驱动程序] NI-CAN 2.3.2 Driver Win32Eng NI控制器局域网驱动软件2.3.2下载

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    NI-CAN 2.3.2 Driver Win32Eng NI控制器局域网驱动软件2.3.2下载

    NI-CAN驱动软件适用于多种类型的CAN硬件应用程序,如高速CAN、容错CAN和LIN接口。NI-CAN具有强大的底层框架API和上层通道,可实现快速开发。NI-CAN用于为LabVIEW、LabWindows/CVI和ANSI C/C++提供本地支持。此外,NI-CAN还包括通道测试面板、总线监控器和记录器以及数据库编辑器等工具。LabWindows标志经Microsoft公司授权使用。Windows是Microsoft公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。

    文件大小: 94383552 字节 (90.01 MB)
    修改日期: 2007-07-11 00:30
    MD5: 80b0e5f91e0c9a7af1ca702874626daa(官方正确)
    SHA1: 2f02d798e679e53df2715e8f6393253f3432e127
    SHA256: c1e73e9657fb7ea1586274a8aa962466046495019a1c22f89d26bfa97feeee2c
    CRC32: 7c1526c8

    CAN2.3.2.txt (550 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI-CANTM Software for Windows 2000/XP and LabVIEWTM Real-Time (RT)
    Version 2.3.2
    © 1996-2005 National Instruments Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

    Thank you for using National Instruments products for CAN.

    Information in this file is organized in the following sections:
    • Documentation
    • Supported Hardware
    • Supported Development Environments
    • New Features as Compared to 2.2
    • Changes from Previous Releases
    • Additional Programming Topics

    The Installation Guide: CAN Hardware and NI-CAN Software for Windows document included with the NI-CAN CD provides instructions for installing National Instruments CAN hardware and software.
    The NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual is the primary document for NI CAN products. This manual includes an introduction to CAN, specifications for hardware, information on how to get started with application development, and a complete reference for all NI-CAN functions.
    The NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual is provided in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download the Acrobat Reader for free at: www.adobe.com.
    Open the manual from your Start menu in:
    Start » Programs » National Instruments » NI-CAN
    Links to the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual are provided in the online help for each NI-CAN function within the National Instruments LabVIEW and Lab Windows/CVITM development environments.
    Online help for the NI-CAN features within Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) is located in the MAX Help Topics menu. The MAX Help Topics for NI-CAN also include a link to the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    Supported Hardware
    NI-CAN Software for Windows 2000/XP and LabVIEW RT supports the following National Instruments hardware products:
    • PCI-CAN, PCI-CAN/2 (High-Speed; Series 1 and 2)
    • PCI-CAN/LS, PCI-CAN/LS2 (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant; Series 1 and 2)
    • PCI-CAN/SW, PCI-CAN/SW2 (Single Wire; Series 2)
    • PCI-CAN/DS, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High-Speed, Port-2 Low-Speed; Series 1)
    • PCI-CAN/XS, PCI-CAN/XS2, (Software-Selectable HS/LS/SW; Series 2)
    • PCMCIA-CAN, PCMCIA-CAN/2 (Series 1 and 2)
    • PXI-8460, one-port or two-port (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant; Series 1 and 2)
    • PXI-8461, one-port or two-port (High-Speed; Series 1 and 2)
    • PXI-8462, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High-Speed, Port-2 Low-Speed; Series 1)
    • PXI-8463, one-port or two-port (Single Wire; Series 2)
    • PXI-8464, one-port or two-port (Software- Selectable HS/LS/SW; Series 2)

    The following National Instruments Series 1 CAN hardware is not supported in this version of NI-CAN.
    Install NI-CAN version 2.2 for support of the following hardware products (available on ni.com):
    • PCI-CAN                    (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers: 183887A-01, 183887B-01)
    • PCI-CAN/2                 (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers: 183887A-02, 183887B-02)
    • PCMCIA-CAN           (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers: 184272A-01, 184272B-01, 184272C-01)
    • PCMCIA-CAN/2        (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers: 184272A-02, 184272B-02, 184272C-02)

    Install NI-CAN version 2.1.3 for support of the following AT (ISA) hardware products (available on ni.com):
    • AT-CAN
    • AT-CAN/2 (ISAPNP cards; High Speed; Series 1)

    The NI-CAN software supports only National Instruments CAN hardware products. For information about software for CAN products from other vendors, refer to the documentation you received with those products.

    Supported Development Environments
    The NI-CAN software supports the following development environments:
    ·        LabVIEW 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0
    ·        LabVIEW Real-Time 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0
    ·        LabWindows/CVI version 7.0 and higher
    ·        Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
    ·        Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0
    ·        Borland C/C++

    New Features as Compared to 2.2
    The NI-CAN 2.3 release adds the following features:
    Frame to Channel Conversion
    As described in Chapter 1 of the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual, NI-CAN supports two distinct formats for CAN data. The first format is the CAN frame, which represents a raw frame consisting of an ID, type, data bytes, and timestamp. The second format is the CAN channel, which represents a field in the data of a specific ID, scaled to a floating point value in physical units (such as Volts or Revolutions-per-minute). However, many applications require the ability to convert CAN data from one format to another. Several examples include:
    • Converting logged CAN traffic from CAN frames into CAN channels for waveform display
    • Using CompactRIO in control applications that utilize CAN channels

    To learn more about Frame to Channel conversion, refer to the Frame to Channel Conversion section of Chapter 6 in the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    Database Queries
    For large test applications that are deployed to several end-users, it is common to query CAN databases for initial configuration of a test. With NI-CAN 2.3, the database queries can now be made without NI CAN hardware.

    To learn more about database queries without NI CAN hardware, refer to the Frame to Channel Conversion section of Chapter 6 in the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    New Frame API function: ncWriteNetMult
    The ncWriteNetMult function allows writing multiple CAN frames to the write buffer. It supports multiple output modes to either transmit the CAN frames as fast as possible or transmit them in a timed manner based on the specified timestamp.
    To learn more about ncWriteNetMult, refer to the complete function description in Chapter 10 (LabVIEW API) or 11 (C API) of the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    Timestamped Transmit
    In addition to supporting multiple frames, the new ncWriteNetMult function supports timestamped frames. When the Transmit mode is set to Timestamped Transmit, NI-CAN times the transmission according to the difference in timestamps between consecutive frames. For example, if every frame provided to the ncWriteNetMult function increments by 10 milliseconds, the frames will be transmitted with a 10 millisecond gap. This functionality is important for applications that require playback or replay of logged CAN traffic.

    To learn more about Timestamped Transmit, refer to the Timestamped Transmit section in the ncWriteNetMult description of the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    NI-CAN Logfile
    The NI-CAN logfile specification defines a simple, open, binary file format for the storage of CAN data.

    You can find the NI_CAN_Logfile_Spec.htm specification in the following location:
          …\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-CAN\Documentation
    NI-CAN Examples
    You can find logging, playback, and replay example VIs for LabVIEW that utilize Frame to Channel Conversion and Timestamped Transmit in the NI Example Finder under the following locations:
    Hardware Input and Output » CAN » Channel API » Logging & Playback
    Hardware Input and Output » CAN » Frame API » Logging & Playback
    Improved Hardware Synchronization with M-Series DAQ Cards
    Most M-Series DAQ cards are now directly supported for hardware synchronization with NI-CAN. Refer to the CAN Sync Start/Stop with NI-DAQmx functions.

    Changes from Previous Releases
    The NI-CAN 2.3 release no longer includes the NI-DNET driver software. You can still use NI-CAN and NI-DNET together. To download the latest NI-DNET version, go to ni.com/downloads.

    The NI-CAN 2.3 release also includes several changes not related to new features. The following table provides a brief description of several major changes:

    Old Behavior
    New Behavior
    When multiple periodic channels are configured for a transmit rate faster than allowed, a warning is generated and only the first channel is transmitted.
    When multiple periodic channels are configured for a transmit rate faster than allowed, an error is generated and no channels are transmitted. When the transmit rate is at the threshold, a warning is generated and all channels are transmitted.
    For Single-Chan Multi-Sample 1D (mode: Output), only the last sample of the array is transmitted when the sample rate is set to zero.
    For Single-Chan Multi-Sample ID (mode: Output), a message is transmitted for each entry in the array when the sample rate is set to zero.
    For Read and Write, passing an empty array returns an error.
    For Read and Write, passing an empty array returns success.
    The StartTrigger is not received when two tasks on different ports of the same hardware are used.
    The StartTrigger is received by both ports when two tasks on different ports of the same hardware are used.
    An error is returned when two messages with the same ID and different byte lengths are used in different tasks.
    No error is returned when two messages with the same ID and different byte lengths are used in different tasks. However, the tasks cannot be used at the same time.
    Channels with values greater than 52 bits are truncated when the scaling factor is set to one, but there is no warning or error message.
    An error is returned when channels greater than 52 bits and a scaling factor of one are detected.
    When an input task is restarted (while the interface is still active), the task will return samples from the time before it was restarted.
    When an input task is restarted (while the interface is still active), the task will return samples from the time where the task was restarted.
    All Channel API VIs were not re-entrant.
    All Channel API VIs are now re-entrant.
    Channel or Frame
    When transmitting frames on a low-speed card, a network fault (e.g. short CAN_H to CAN_L) might slow down the transmission.
    When transmitting frames on a low-speed card, a network fault (e.g. short CAN_H to CAN_L) does not slow down the transmission.
    The function ncWait is a documented feature.
    The function ncWait was replaced with ncWaitforState. The function ncWait will continue to work, but it is not documented.
    Bus Monitor
    If an error occurs while the Bus Monitor is running, the Bus Monitor continues to operate.
    If an error occurs while the Bus Monitor is running, the Bus Monitor stops as if the STOP button was pressed.
    The Start Trigger Behavior attribute of function ncSetAttr is a documented feature.
    The Start Trigger Behavior attribute has been replaced by the Log Start Trigger? and Timestamp Format attributes.

    In addition to the changes listed above, the following issues were addressed in the NI-CAN 2.3.2 release:
    • When you reset (e.g. performing a self-test in Measurement and Automation Explorer) a National Instruments CAN card behind a MXI-Express with the National Instruments PXI-836x MXI-Express kits, you may see a hardware blue screen.  NI-CAN 2.3.2 addresses this issue.

    Please note that the list is not an exhaustive list of changes.

    Additional Programming TopicsUpdating Get/Set Attribute in Frame API for LabVIEW
    NI-CAN includes several Frame API attributes for Series 2 hardware features. If you have a LabVIEW VI written for NI-CAN 2.0 or earlier, upgrading to NI-CAN 2.1 or later will not automatically update constants or controls for the AttrId input. To use the new attributes, replace your older constants and controls using the AttrId input of the updated NI-CAN VIs.
    If you do not want to use new Frame API attributes, you can continue to use the older constants and controls for compatibility.
    This issue does not apply to the Channel API for LabVIEW. Because the Get/Set Property functions are provided as polymorphic VIs, they are automatically updated.
    Clarification Regarding Frame API Filters
    NI-CAN has two different sets of attributes to filter received CAN frames.
    The new attributes for Series 2 hardware include the Series 2 Filter Mode, Series 2 Comparator, and Series 2 Mask. This filter is programmed into the Series 2 hardware (Philips SJA1000), and applies to all received frames. The default value enables reception of all standard and extended frames.
    The legacy Series 1 attributes include the Standard Comparator, Standard Mask, Extended Comparator, and Extended Mask. For Series 1 hardware, this filter is programmed into the hardware (Intel 82527) and applies to all received frames. For Series 2 hardware, this filter is implemented in software and applies only after a received frame has passed through the Series 2 filter. For Series 2, if the legacy attributes are programmed to don’t-care (all zero), the software filter is bypassed, and only the Series 2 filter applies.
    Support of CANdb (*.DBC) Files
    NI-CAN provides support for CANdb network files created using the Vector CANdb or CANdb++ editor. The information from the CANdb file can be used in the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or with the NI-CAN Channel API. For more information, refer to the Using the Channel API chapter in the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    NI-CAN supports CANdb network files created using the CAN module of Vector products. NI-CAN does not provide complete support of CANdb files created using modules for higher-layer CAN protocols, such as J1939, ISO11783, or NMEA2000. In order to view the set of features supported for these modules, import the CANdb file into MAX. NI-CAN will display an error dialog for any unsupported object, and will display those objects with a red mark. For example, the J1939 protocol for multi-frame messages (greater than 8 bytes) is not supported in the current version of NI-CAN.

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