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[NI驱动程序] NI-CAN 2.1.1 Driver Win32Eng NI控制器局域网驱动软件2.1.1下载

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    NI-CAN 2.1.1 Driver Win32Eng NI控制器局域网驱动软件2.1.1下载

    NI-CAN驱动软件适用于多种类型的CAN硬件应用程序,如高速CAN、容错CAN和LIN接口。NI-CAN具有强大的底层框架API和上层通道,可实现快速开发。NI-CAN用于为LabVIEW、LabWindows/CVI和ANSI C/C++提供本地支持。此外,NI-CAN还包括通道测试面板、总线监控器和记录器以及数据库编辑器等工具。LabWindows标志经Microsoft公司授权使用。Windows是Microsoft公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。

    文件大小: 82134528 字节 (78.33 MB)
    修改日期: 2010-04-25 03:23
    MD5: 8a0c9bd3b17363f94332570534c75237(官方正确)
    SHA1: 0d4d349ab958e5906b20c2bccd452d4c44ba22ed
    SHA256: cffc8764c913bfd47379dd04954569b9224df23c34fe8a9f021038a6f54f06e4
    CRC32: dec4acdc

    CAN2.1.1.txt (557 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI-CANTM Software for Windows 2000/NT/XP/Me/98/95 and LabVIEWTM Real-Time (RT)
    Version 2.1
    © 1996-2003 National Instruments Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

    Thank you for using National Instruments products for CAN.

    Information in this file is organized in the following sections:
    ·        Documentation
    ·        Supported Hardware
    ·        New Features
    ·        Additional Programming Topics

    Within your NI-CAN CD sleeve, the Installation Guide: CAN Hardware and NI-CAN Software For Windows includes instructions for installing your National Instruments CAN hardware and software.
    The NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual is the primary document for NI CAN products. This manual includes an introduction to CAN, specifications for hardware, information on how to get started with application development, and a complete reference for all NI-CAN functions.
    The NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual is in Adobe Acrobat format. You can open the document from Start» Programs»National Instruments»NI-CAN
    Within the National Instruments LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVITM development environments, links to the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual are in the online help for each NI-CAN function.
    Online help for the NI-CAN features within Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) are in the MAX Help Topics menu. The MAX Help Topics for NI-CAN also include a link to the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    Supported Hardware
    The NI-CAN 2.1 Software for Windows 2000/NT/XP/Me/98/95 supports the following National Instruments hardware products:
    ·        PCI-CAN, PCI-CAN/2 (High-Speed; Series 1 and 2)
    ·        PCI-CAN/LS, PCI-CAN/LS2 (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant; Series 1 and 2)
    ·        PCI-CAN/SW, PCI-CAN/SW2 (Single Wire; Series 2)
    ·        PCI-CAN/DS, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High-Speed, Port-2 Low-Speed; Series 1)
    ·        PCI-CAN/XS, PCI-CAN/XS2, (Software-Switchable HS/LS/SW; Series 2)
    ·        PCMCIA-CAN, PCMCIA-CAN/2 (Series 1 and 2)
    ·        PXI-8461, one-port or two-port (High-Speed; Series 1 and 2)
    ·        PXI-8460, one-port or two-port (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant; Series 1 and 2)
    ·        PXI-8463, one-port or two-port (Single Wire; Series 2)
    ·        PXI-8462, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High-Speed, Port-2 Low-Speed; Series 1)
    ·        PXI-8464, one-port or two-port (Software-Switchable HS/LS/SW; Series 2)
    The NI-CAN Software for Windows Me/98/95 also supports the following National Instruments hardware products (not supported under Windows 2000/NT/XP):
    ·        AT-CAN, AT-CAN/2 (ISAPNP cards; High-Speed; Series 1)
    The NI-CAN Software for LabVIEW RT supports the following National Instruments hardware products:
    ·        PXI-8461, one-port or two-port (High-Speed; Series 1 and 2)
    ·        PXI-8460, one-port or two-port (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant; Series 1 and 2)
    ·        PXI-8463, one-port or two-port (Single Wire; Series 2)
    ·        PXI-8462, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High-Speed, Port-2 Low-Speed; Series 1)
    ·        PXI-8464, one-port or two-port (Software-Switchable HS/LS/SW; Series 2)
    The NI-CAN software supports only National Instruments CAN hardware products. For information about software for CAN products from other vendors, refer to the documentation you received with those products.
    New Features
    The NI-CAN 2.1 release adds the following features:
    ·        Improved performance for receive. The NI-CAN driver can receive higher busloads and is less sensitive to Windows interrupts (such as mouse movement). Improvements apply to the Frame API (Network Interface) as well as the Channel API. Improvements apply to existing Series 1 cards as well as Series 2, but Series 2 is best due to the receive FIFO of the Philips SJA1000.
    ·        New Output Recent mode for the Channel API. This facilitates sampled output at multiple message rates. For more information, refer to Using the Channel API in the manual.
    ·        New features of the Philips SJA1000 CAN controller (Series 2 only). For more information, refer to the NI-CAN functions used to get/set properties (attributes), such as CAN Set Property in the Channel API for LabVIEW chapter.
    o       Receive FIFO provides improved performance compared to Series 1
    o       Listen Only: passive receive with no acknowledgment
    o       Single Shot Transmit: transmit without retry
    o       Self-Reception: receive every successfully transmitted frame
    o       Transmit and Receive Error Counter: query standard CAN error counters
    o       Series 2 Error/Arb Capture: detailed information for CAN errors
    o       Series 2 Filter Mode, Comparator, and Mask: detailed receive filtering
    ·        New transceiver features (Series 2 only). For more information, refer to the NI-CAN functions used to get/set properties (attributes), such as CAN Set Property in the Channel API for LabVIEW chapter.
    o       Transceiver Mode: sleep transceiver (also Single Wire modes)
    o       Transceiver Type (XS cards only): select HS/LS/SW/external transceiver in software
    o       Transceiver External Inputs and Outputs (XS cards only): control of mode and status pins for external transceivers
    ·        New RTSI synchronization features for the Channel API (Series 2 only). For more information, refer to the CAN/DAQ examples, as well as the NI-CAN Connect Terminals function.
    o       RTSI Clock source: receive 10 MHz or 20 MHz timebase
    o       RTSI Clock destination: export 20 MHz timebase (PCI/PXI only)
    o       Interface Receive Event: export SJA1000 receive event
    o       Interface Transceiver Event: export NERR to RTSI
    o       Ability to receive RTSI triggers of short pulse length
    Additional Programming TopicsChannel API Examples for Visual Basic 6
    NI-CAN 2.1 provides Channel API examples for Microsoft Visual Basic version 6. These examples are installed within the MS Visual Basic folder of the NI-CAN folder.
    The typical path to this folder is
          \Program Files\National Instruments\NI-CAN\MS Visual Basic
    Updating Get/Set Attribute in Frame API for LabVIEW
    NI-CAN 2.1 adds several new Frame API attributes for Series 2 hardware features. If you have a LabVIEW VI written for NI-CAN 2.0 or earlier, upgrading to NI-CAN 2.1 will not automatically update constants or controls for the AttrId input. To use the new attributes of NI-CAN 2.1, replace your older constants and controls using the AttrId input of the NI-CAN 2.1 VIs.
    If you do not want to use new Frame API attributes, you can continue to use the older constants and controls for compatibility.
    This issue does not apply to the Channel API for LabVIEW. Because the Get/Set Property functions are provided as polymorphic VIs, they are automatically updated.
    Clarification Regarding Frame API Filters
    NI-CAN 2.1 has two different sets of attributes to filter received CAN frames.
    The new attributes for Series 2 hardware include the Series 2 Filter Mode, Series 2 Comparator, and Series 2 Mask. This filter is programmed into the Series 2 hardware (Philips SJA1000), and applies to all received frames. The default value enables reception of all standard and extended frames.
    The legacy Series 1 attributes include the Standard Comparator, Standard Mask, Extended Comparator, and Extended Mask. For Series 1 hardware, this filter is programmed into the hardware (Intel 82527) and applies to all received frames. For Series 2 hardware, this filter is implemented in software and applies only after a received frame has passed through the Series 2 filter. For Series 2, if the legacy attributes are programmed to don’t-care (all zero), the software filter is bypassed, and only the Series 2 filter applies.

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