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NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.6.1 Win32Eng 自动化视觉生成器VBAI3.6.1 LV8.6.1
NI Vision Builder for AI 3.6-VBAI3.6,NI用于自动检测的视觉生成器,一款图像处理的标准软件,不需要编程,拖拉式选择功能函数,可使用配方管理。
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NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.6.1 Readme
April 2009
This file contains important information about National Instruments Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (Vision Builder AI) software and is organized into the following sections:
System Requirements
Installation Instructions
Activation Instructions
New Features
Device Support
Known Issues
Additional Resources
System Requirements
To configure inspections using Vision Builder AI, the host machine must meet the following requirements:
| Minimum | Recommended | Processor | 233 MHz Pentium or equivalent | Pentium 4/M or equivalent | Memory | 256 MB RAM | 512 MB RAM | Display | 1,024×768 resolution video adapter with a 16-bit display | 1,024×768 resolution video adapter with a 24- or 32-bit display | Operating System | Microsoft Windows Vista/XP/2000 | Browser | Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later | Hard Disk Space | 700 MB | Note: If you are using Vision Builder AI on a Windows XP system with Service Pack 2 installed, refer to Known Issues for information about how Service Pack 2 affects Vision Builder AI.
Installation Instructions
Complete the following steps to install Vision Builder AI:
Note: You must be logged in with administrator privileges to install Vision Builder AI.
- Insert the Vision Builder AI CD into your CD-ROM drive. If the CD does not run automatically, open Windows Explorer, right-click the CD drive icon, and select AutoPlay.
- Select Install Vision Builder for Automated Inspection on the National Instruments Vision Builder for Automated Inspection screen.
- Vision Builder AI prompts you to enter your user information. Select one of the following options:
- Install this product using the following serial number
- Install this product for evaluation
If you choose to enter a serial number, enter the serial number found on your Certificate of Ownership card. Vision Builder AI automatically uses this serial number when you run the NI Activation Wizard. - Continue to follow the instructions on the screen.
Activation Instructions
If you did not activate Vision Builder AI during the installation process, when you run a Vision Builder AI application for the first time, it prompts you to activate a license for the product. If you do not activate a valid license, Vision Builder AI runs in Evaluation mode and continues to prompt you to activate a license on each subsequent launch.
The evaluation period is 30 days. At the end of the evaluation period you must activate a Vision Builder AI license to continue using the product.
Note: While Vision Builder AI is in Evaluation mode, all features are available except Migrate Inspection to LabVIEW.
Vision Builder AI offers the following licensing options:
- Vision Builder AI Full-Featured (778649-01)—Allows full access to all Vision Builder AI features, which can be used to configure, benchmark, and deploy inspections. This license does not include the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit.
- Vision Builder AI Run-Time (779799-03)—Allows you to deploy existing inspections to a host machine and modify the control values for steps in an inspection. This license does not allow you to add steps to or remove steps from an inspection.
- Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit (779343-03)—Licenses only the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, which allows you to create custom steps for use in any Vision Builder AI application.
Complete the following steps to activate the Vision Builder AI license:
- Launch Vision Builder AI.
- Click Yes when prompted to activate Vision Builder AI.
- Ensure that Automatically activate through a secure Internet connection is selected, and click Next.
- Enter your serial number, and click Next.
- Enter your registration information, and click Next.
- You can enter an email address to receive a copy of the activation code for your records.
Deployment Policy for Vision Builder AI
Pursuant to the National Instruments Software License Agreement, Vision Builder AI software is licensed to run on only one machine. Deployed applications that use Vision Builder AI require that Vision Builder AI be installed and licensed on each host machine. Therefore, you must purchase a separate Vision Builder AI license for each host machine. For more information, refer to the enclosed National Instruments Software License Agreement or visit ni.com/legal/license.
New Features
The following list describes the changes and enhancements in this release of Vision Builder AI:
- Support for the NI EVS-1464 Embedded Vision System
- New EtherNet/IP step to communicate with EtherNet/IP devices which support unconnected messaging
- PNG - With Vision Information file format added to the Image Logging step
The following list describes issues in previous versions of Vision Builder AI that are fixed in this release.
ID | Fixed Issue | 126120 | In the Calibration from Image wizard, the Calibrated Image File Path is indistinguishable because the text color is black when working with a modified operating system theme. | 127573 | Zoom to Fit is disabled for Custom Inspection Interface templates. | 129425 | When importing multiple custom steps from Vision Builder AI 3.5, Vision Builder 3.6 always opens the properties page for the same step. | 130743 | Find Edges steps do not correctly update the image if a Find Edges step fails. | 139570 | Retrieving inspection results might return an empty array when using the ActiveX interface. | Device Support
Vision Builder AI supports various image acquisition devices, NI 17xx Smart Cameras, the NI CVS-1450 Series Compact Vision System, the NI EVS-1464 Embedded Vision System, NI digital I/O and data acquisition (DAQ) devices, IEEE 1394 industrial digital cameras, GigE Vision cameras, and serial devices.
Image Acquisition Devices
This version of Vision Builder AI supports the following National Instruments image acquisition devices:
- NI PCI-1405
- NI PXI/PCI-1407
- NI PXI/PCI-1409
- NI PXI/PCI-1410
| - NI PXI/PCI-1411
- NI PXI/PCI-1422
- NI PCI-1424
- NI PCI-1426
| - NI PCIe-1427
- NI PXI/PCI-1428
- NI PCIe-1429
- NI PCIe-1430
| Note: If you are using an image acquisition device, you must install NI Vision Acquisition Software before you install the image acquisition device. NI Vision Acquisition Software gives you access to Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), which is software you can use to configure National Instruments devices.
IEEE 1394 Cameras
This version of Vision Builder AI supports the following National Instruments IEEE 1394 host adapters:
- NI PXI/PCI-8252
- NI PCI-8254R
- NI PCIe-8255R
If you want to use IEEE 1394 industrial video cameras with Vision Builder AI, you need NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras 2.0 or later. You must also associate the driver software with the camera you want to use to acquire images. IEEE 1394 driver software can be installed from the NI Vision Acquisition Software CD included with Vision Builder AI. As of NI Vision Acquisition Software 8.2.1, all of the functionality of NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver software has been bundled into the NI-IMAQdx driver software.
If you have an existing inspection that uses the Acquire Image (IEEE 1394) step or you want to use the Acquire Image (IEEE 1394) step to acquire images from an IEEE 1394 camera connected to the host computer, you must configure the camera to use the legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver. Complete the following steps to use MAX to configure the camera to use the legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver.
- Launch MAX.
- In the MAX configuration tree, expand Devices and Interfaces to obtain a list of installed devices.
- Expand NI-IMAQdx Devices to obtain a list of available cameras.
- Right-click the camera and select Driver»NI-IMAQ IEEE 1394 IIDC Digital Camera. The camera should appear in the MAX configuration tree under Legacy NI-IMAQ IEEE 1394 Devices.
To use the Acquire Image (IEEE 1394 or GigE) step to acquire images from an IEEE 1394 camera, you must configure the camera to use the NI-IMAQdx driver. Complete the following steps to use MAX to configure the camera to use the NI-IMAQdx driver.
- Launch MAX.
- In the MAX configuration tree, expand Devices and Interfaces to obtain a list of installed devices.
- Expand NI-IMAQdx Devices to obtain a list of available cameras.
- Right-click the camera and select Driver»NI-IMAQdx IIDC Digital Camera.
For additional information about migrating from NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras to NI-IMAQdx, refer to the NI-IMAQdx Readme.
GigE Vision Cameras
This version of Vision Builder AI supports the NI PCIe-8231, NI PCIe-8235, and NI PXIe-8234 Gigabit Ethernet host adapters.
If you want to use GigE Vision-compliant industrial video cameras with Vision Builder AI, you need NI-IMAQdx 3.0 or later driver software. NI-IMAQdx can be installed from the NI Vision Acquisition Software CD included with Vision Builder AI.
NI 17xx Smart Cameras
Vision Builder AI supports all NI Smart Cameras, allowing you to remotely configure and control the device.
NI CVS-1450 Series Compact Vision System
Vision Builder AI supports the NI CVS-1450 Series Compact Vision System, allowing you to remotely configure and control the device.
Note: To use Vision Builder AI with a NI CVS-1450 device, you must you must use Vision Builder AI to configure the NI CVS-1450 device. For more information, refer to Getting Started with the NI CVS-1450 Series, included with every NI CVS-1450 device.
NI EVS-1464 Embedded Vision System
Vision Builder AI supports the NI EVS-1464 Embedded Vision System, allowing you to remotely configure and control the device.
Note: To use Vision Builder AI with a EVS-1464 device, you must use Vision Builder AI to configure the EVS-1464. For more information, refer to Getting Started with the NI EVS-1464, included with the NI EVS-1464 device.
Analog and Digital I/O Devices
This version of Vision Builder AI supports digital and analog I/O from any National Instruments data acquisition (DAQ) device using NI-DAQmx Global Channels. To support NI DAQ devices, Vision Builder AI requires NI-DAQmx 8.0 or later.
Serial Communication
To support serial communication, Vision Builder AI requires NI-VISA 2.6.0 or later, which is included with Vision Builder AI. You can use the serial ports built into the PC or one of the following NI serial interfaces: NI PCI-232/x, NI PXI-8420/x, or NI PXI-8422/x. You do not need to install NI-VISA to use the serial port on a remote target.
Known Issues
National Instruments is aware of the following issues you may encounter while using Vision Builder AI.
General- Vision Builder AI may not display an inspection image if the image is large and your computer is low on available memory.
- Migrating a Vision Builder AI inspection to LabVIEW requires the NI Vision Development Module 8.6.1 or later.
Windows XP Service Pack 2- When you choose Select Network Target in Vision Builder AI while the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Internet Connection Firewall is enabled, a dialog box may open, giving you the option to allow Vision Builder AI to receive information over a network. National Instruments recommends that you select Unblock this program so that Vision Builder AI can configure your remote NI CVS-1450 Series device. You must be logged in with administrator privileges to configure this networking option. Visit ni.com/info and enter winxpsp2 for more information.
- "When using the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component while the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Internet Connection Firewall is enabled, a dialog box may open, giving you the option to allow VBAI_Server to receive information over a network. You must select Unblock this program to use the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component. You must be logged in with administrator privileges to configure this networking option.Visit ni.com/info and enter winxpsp2 for more information.
Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit- When using the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, you must close all open LabVIEW VIs before attempting to create a new step or importing a Vision Builder AI 2.6 step.
- When using the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, if you import a Vision Builder AI 2.6 step that uses previous measurement results, when the step executes, the array of measurements in the XXXX - User Interface and XXXX - User Programming VIs will be empty. Refer to the NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Development Toolkit User Guide for information about using previous measurements in Vision Builder AI 3.0 or later.
Vision Builder AI ActiveX Component- To use the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component from LabVIEW, you must use LabVIEW 8.2 or later.
- When using the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component, the NIVBAITargetMode setting is not available. Therefore, the connection to a target always allows full control.
- When using the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component, if the connection to a local target fails the first time you try to connect to the local target, restart the computer and retry the connection.
Additional ResourcesHow do I get started?
Read the NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Tutorial, which provides exercises for learning how to perform basic machine vision techniques using Vision Builder AI.
Where can I find reference information?
Reference information for Vision Builder AI is available from within Vision Builder AI by clicking the Show Context Help button, or selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Vision Builder AI»Documentation.
The following documents are provided with Vision Builder AI as online help:
- NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: Configuration Help—Contains information about the Vision Builder AI Configuration interface, managing inspections and images, and creating steps for an inspection.
- NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: Inspection Help—Contains information about using the Vision Builder AI Inspection interface to run inspections.
- NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: ActiveX Component Reference Help—Contains information about the ActiveX objects available to embed Vision Builder AI inspections into ActiveX applications.
Use the Search tab in the help files to quickly locate specific information. For information about how to use the search functionality, refer to the Using Help»Searching Help topic in the help file.
The following documents are provides with Vision Builder AI as Adobe PDF documents:
- NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Development Toolkit User Guide—Contains instructions for using LabVIEW to create custom steps for Vision Builder AI.
- NI Vision Concepts Manual—Contains basic concepts of image analysis, image processing, and machine vision. This document also contains in-depth discussions about imaging functions for advanced users.
Where can I find examples?
Examples of common Vision Builder AI inspections are installed to the \Examples directory, where is the location to which you installed Vision Builder AI.
Where else can I go for Vision Builder AI information?
Visit ni.com/vision and the NI Developer Zone at ni.com/zone for the most up-to-date information about Vision Builder AI.
© 2002–2009 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
Members of the National Instruments Alliance Partner Program are business entities independent from National Instruments and have no agency, partnership, or joint-venture relationship with National Instruments.
For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents. |