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NI DIAdem 2014SP1 Win32Eng NI数据管理软件DIADEM2014SP1基本高级专业版下载DIAdem14.0.1
DIAdem是一个统一的单一软件环境,可帮助您更高效地进行测量数据后期处理。 DIAdem针对大型数据集进行了优化,内含的工具可帮助您快速搜索所需的数据,查看和研究数据,使用特定工程分析函数转换数据,并使用强大的拖放式报告编辑器共享结果。 您可以在DIAdem中使用脚本来自动执行重复的数据后处理任务,并高效地将测量数据转换为有价值的信息。
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DIAdem 2014 SP1 Release Notes2014 Version 14.0.1 December 2014 This file contains information on DIAdem 2014 and DIAdem 2014 SP1: Overview System Requirements Notes on DIAdem 2014 Compatibility of DIAdem 2014 SP1 to DIAdem 2014 Compatibility of DIAdem 2014 to DIAdem 2012 Product Security and Critical Updates New Features in DIAdem 2014 Bug Fixes Accessing the Help Finding Examples Automating the Installation of NI Products How to Use NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.x NI Software Support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 Legal Information OverviewDIAdem is the National Instruments software for analyzing and documenting data from various sources. System RequirementsFor correct DIAdem performance, the following minimum requirements must be met: HardwareCPU | x86 compatible processor, 1.6 GHz or more | Amount of memory | 1 GB or more | Hard disk memory | Depending on the operating system, up to 2.8 GB free storage space, of which at least 1.8 GB on the system partition | Graphics board | Color depth at least 16-bit (High Color), 24-bit, or 32-bit (True Color) recommended | Screen resolution | At least 1024x768 | Operating SystemsWindows XP Professional 32-bit Service Pack 3 or later Windows Vista 32-bit or 64-bit with Service Pack 2 (as 32-bit application) - Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit with Service Pack 1 (as 32-bit application)
Windows 8.1 32-bit or 64-bit (as 32-bit application) Windows Server 2003 R2 32-bit with Service Pack 2 Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit with Service Pack 1 (as 32-bit application) Windows Server 2012 R2 64 Bit (as 32-bit application)
Note DIAdem runs only with restrictions on the N or KN edition of Windows because the multimedia support is missing. You can obtain this as "Media Feature Pack" from Microsoft and install it later.
Under Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit you cannot play videos in DIAdem VIEW.
AdministrationFirewall | The firewall displays warnings while DIAdem installs and while DIAdem launches, for the following reasons:
The usireg component executes during the installation of DataPlugins. The DataFinder, which you use for searching and navigating in files, then starts. When DIAdem launches, a DNS query determines whether to license locally or whether to use a license server.If you want to be able to use all the DIAdem functions, National Instruments recommends that you select "Do not block" for all programs listed. This also applies when you want to evaluate DIAdem. Refer to ni.com/info under the info code winxpsp2. | Windows User Rights | DIAdem and its components are basically executable under the preconfigured Microsoft Windows user accounts from User upwards. DIAdem must be installed with complete administrator rights. If you operate various DIAdem versions on one computer, you only have the entire range of functions in each version if you have administrator rights. | MiscellaneousNotes on DIAdem 2014- DIAdem Version 9.0 and LabVIEW Version 7.1, and later versions, use a shared software component that is updated when you install DIAdem. When you uninstall DIAdem, the current version of the shared component remains. This is intentional and has been tested extensively.
The installation functions were tested parallel to earlier DIAdem versions down to DIAdem 11.0. - For the DataFinder in DIAdem 2014, any index files from earlier DIAdem versions must be regenerated. This occurs automatically when you launch DIAdem. Depending on how many files are to be indexed, this may take quite some time.
- It is strongly recommended that you install DIAdem in the suggested folders on Windows Vista or later Windows versions, or that you specify the folder exclusively in the path selection dialog box in the setup program. In particular, changing the suggested program path manually in the installation program can cause problems in DIAdem.
- When executing DIAdem or DIAdem scripts under Windows Server 2003, runtime errors might occur due to an error in the runtime library of the system. As a workaround, Microsoft has provided a hotfix which you can download at http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B955536.
- To activate DIAdem 2012 and later versions, you must create a user profile on ni.com. The evaluation period is now 7 days without a user profile. If you create a user profile, this period is extended by an additional 45 days.
- Previously the path for graphic displays (MediaWritePath) was synchronized with the document path by default. From DIAdem 2014, a media file, such as a PDF, can be saved in any folder without changing the other paths. Select Settings»DIAdem Settings»Select Path to switch this behavior to the extended path behavior.
- The GFSODBC.DLL is not registered by default in the DIAdem GPI registration. You can register the DLL manually over the GPI registration. However, we recommend you use the ADO interface to access databases in VBS. Refer to the help files for more information.
- The following changes were made in order to align the DIAdem VIEW interface with the REPORT interface:
- The ContourCurves collection was renamed CurvesContour.
- The Curves collection was renamed Curves2D.
- The properties CurrCurve, LeadingCurve, and SetLeadingCurve were moved from View.ActiveSheet.ActiveArea.DisplayObj into the curves collection of the respective display type.
The previous names and properties are still available so that scripts can still run, however auto-completion by the script editor is no longer available.
- In DIAdem-ANALYSIS, the Linear Mapping function was moved from the Curve Fitting bar to the Channel Functions bar.
- In DIAdem DAC the menu item Insert»Display Instruments»Display in DIAdem INSIGHT was removed.
- When loading a DAC block diagram, DIAdem now checks whether the block diagram contains outdated blocks. The block diagram can still run with these blocks, however the outdated blocks are identified with a label. Please replace these with current blocks.
In addition, the DLL 'GfSPack4.DLL' is no longer registered automatically. If an existing block diagram uses blocks from this DLL, the loading of the block diagram already leads to an error message, which prompts the user to register the DLL manually over the GPI registration. Only after this registration can such a block diagram run again. - In order to use the following DIAdem drivers the following NI software components must be installed:
Driver | Components | Version | ADCS | Automotive Diagnostic Command Set | >= 1.1.1 | DAQmx driver | NI-DAQmx | >= 9.4 | ECU MC | ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit | >= 2.3.1 | XNET | NI-XNET | >= 1.3.0 |
- In DIAdem SCRIPT the AUT/VBS converter can no longer be requested from the interface. It can still be started with the AUTToVBS script command.
- The outdated command ChnGet() is labeled obsolete in the DIAdem Help. It still works in DIAdem 2014 but will be omitted in future versions.
- The map display in the VIEW and VISUAL panels supports the Microsoft software MapPoint 2010 and later. Microsoft has announced to discontinue the development and sales of MapPoint by December 31, 2014, which may result in MapPoint not working in future DIAdem versions.
Compatibility of DIAdem 2014 SP1 to DIAdem 2014- The optional timeout parameter of the ConnectDataFinderByParameter command is now specified in seconds (previously milliseconds). If you want to use these parameters in scripts, you must adapt these scripts.
- The ANALYSIS function Sort Channel Values and the associated script command ChnMultipleSortExt now use a robust sorting algorithm so that the order of consecutive identical values does not change.
Compatibility of DIAdem 2014 to DIAdem 2012- From Version 2012 SP2, the file, group, and channel properties with the names registertxt1 ... registertxt3, and the channel properties registerint1 ... registerint6, and registerval1 ... registerval6 are no longer indexed. These properties are no longer available for search queries.
- The local "My DataFinder" can no longer be shared for remote access. For these scenarios please use the DataFinder Server Edition.
- The algorithm for how DIAdem REPORT specifies the display of curves when group references are not explicit, has changed. This may lead to the modified display of existing layouts. You can modify this behavior with the "REPORT channel references refer to the structure view of the Data Portal" setting in the Compatibility dialog box. For more details refer to the "Compatibility" section in the help.
- The REPORT text object has been revised and rarely used methods and functions were removed. These include paragraph formatting function and the support of objects of other applications such as pictures or Excel tables. The following functions also no longer work:
TxtBufBackHSISet() If you have further questions about the functions of the text object, please contact our support. - VBS code for opening a REPORT dialog box in the old script syntax can no longer run. You must convert the request to the new API.
Old: | GraphObjOpen("2D-Axis1")
Call SudDlgShow("Main",ResourceDrv&"D2Axis.SUC")
GraphObjClose("2D-Axis1") | New: | Report.ActiveSheet.Objects.Item("2D-Axis1").ShowPropertiesDlg |
- If a curve transformation is used in a REPORT layout, the "Curve Transformation" dialog box was overloaded, and variables, which require the previous call of GraphObjOpen, such as, for example, CurveNo, are accessed within this dialog box, you must now call GraphObjOpen within the user dialog box.
Add the following line at the beginning of the script: Call GraphObjOpen(CurrMainObjectName)Add the following line at the end of the script: Call GraphObjClose(CurrMainObjectName) - From DIAdem 2014, performance reasons require a modified algorithm for deleting a channel group. The algorithm might cause a change in the channel numbering of newly created channels. If the recommended channel reference by name or index is used, no changes occur.
The following commands are affected: | GroupDel(...)
Data.Remove() |
- The AutoTeachLstMode variable is obsolete and will no longer be supported in DIAdem 2015 and later versions.
- The script command DataFinder.Search(Query) returns an error if a non-indexed custom property is used in the query. In DIAdem 2012, 0 results were returned in this case.
- The DataFileHeaderAccess function is no longer supported. This command is no longer available in the current DIAdem version. Use the CreateDataFileHeaderAccess function instead. If you must continue to use this outdated command, refer to the KnowledgeBase under the term DataFileHeaderAccess for further information.
Product Security and Critical UpdatesVisit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about National Instruments products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from National Instruments. New Features in DIAdem 2014GeneralDouble-click on the right side of the worksheet tab on the bottom in the panels DIAdem VIEW, DIAdem REPORT, and DIAdem SCRIPT to create a new page. The configuration dialog boxes of all DIAdem modules were combined to one joint dialog box. The dialog box that refers to files that were not saved when you exit DIAdem has been revised. DIAdem NAVIGATOR, DataFinder, Data PortalDIAdem now supports assignment channels, which assign texts to values or value ranges in the channel properties. The first column of the search results list can be loaded in the context menu. The setting "Reset Column Width" was added to the context menu of the search results. The function for reduced loading - context menu Data Reduction - defines data sections. The DataPlugin wizard supports the combination of a date and a time channel. A user-defined property can be deleted or renamed in the context menu in the Data Portal. The Bus Log Converter can now convert the IOS file format from IOSiX, however, the converter only includes the CAN bus logfiles and the GPS data. DIAdem VIEWDIAdem VIEW offers the new display types Bode, Polar, Orbit, and Shaft Centerline. Curves can be temporarily deactivated in 2D axis system. Constants can be defined in 2D axis system. An individual axis scaling with individual curve assignments was added to the displays n Y-Axes and n Systems. The 2D axis system now also supports harmonic cursors and sideband cursors. Columns can be locked in channel tables. These remain visible when you scroll over the columns. If you drag and drop a channel from the Data Portal into a channel table, which displays all channels, the columns are positioned in such a way that this channel becomes visible. DIAdem VIEW supports the Media Foundation for the display of videos. DIAdem ANALYSISThe Integration function provides two integration methods. The new channel function Numeric Channels <-> Assignment Channels creates assignment channels from numeric channels, waveform channels, and text channels and vice versa. The new channel function Wrap / Unwrap Phase processes jumps in a channel. The new channel function Resampling maps signals on another frequency range or with an interpolation channel. The channel function Sort Channel Values now supports several control channels for a staged sorting of channels. The new function Frequency Weighting (A-, B-, C-Filtering) executes a frequency weighted filtering of noise signals. The setting Calculate both sides was added to the Cross Correlation function. The new function AC/DC Coupling removes the bias from a signal. The Full Spectrum FFT calculates various FFT analyses for vibration sensor signals. Initially the analyses are separate and then the spectra are combined to a complex FFT. The new function Pulse Detection analyses and corrects tachometer signals. The new function Order Analysis for Bode Display calculates the amplitude and phase of certain orders for vibration sensor signals. The Shaft Centerline function calculates the movements of a rotating shaft in the bearing box. DIAdem REPORTIn the layout REPORT objects can be aligned with a grid. The curve expansion now also supports channel groups. Every dialog box in DIAdem REPORT has a preview to show the settings made in the layout. The format setting hhh displays time data as hours including those that are greater than 24 hours. If you disable the setting Allow interactive rotation, you can fixate the axes in 3D axis systems. Partial load structure displays and hyperbola displays were added to the Characteristic Diagram which now supports automatic labeling of the isolines along an imagined line. In 2D tables you can now define different background colors for columns and rows and format cells event-driven. DIAdem DAC/ DIAdem VISUALThe NI ECU Measurement and Calibration Driver was revised and now offers a new configuration dialog box. The Script Driver was revised and an interrupt-controlled measurement was added. The FFT calculation in packet processing now supports any block size. The new display instrument Map Display displays the measured GPS signals with a position pointer and a track in the map. DIAdem SCRIPTComplex tasks can be distributed to different processor cores with the multicore scripting function. In this case, so-called DIAdem workers take over the processing of individual task sections. A curve preview can now display 2D graphics in SUD dialog boxes. Bug FixesThe following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed in DIAdem 2014 SP1. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of the DIAdem. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. The DIAdem Knowledgebase contains a list of fixed issues from earlier DIAdem versions under the search term Fixed Issues. General 480460 | The new display types "Bode", "Orbit", and "Shaft Centerline" in VIEW and some new functions in ANALYSIS can already be used in the Base edition as well as in the Advanced or the Professional edition. | 482045 | If only the DAC kit or DAC bundle are enabled, the DIAdem settings dialog box displays error messages. | 487341 | In the display dialog box of the VIEW display type contour and in the dialog box of the 3D curve parameters in REPORT the color values of the contour values are sometimes not displayed. | 487837 | In the Japanese version the menus cannot be used in all operating systems. | 489851 | If DIAdem is started out of Citrix, the parallel processing does not work. |
Data Portal 483570 | If you want to rename a custom property in the Data Portal, it is not possible if the custom property has the value NoValue. | 492554 | It lasts a long time to open a large amount of channel groups in the Data Portal. |
NAVIGATOR 481884 | If a FIBEX cluster only contains PDUs, Bus Log Converter aborts the conversion with an error message. | 491751 | You must specify the timeouts in milliseconds instead of seconds in the ConnectDataFinderByParameter command. | 495318 | If you register scaled channels of a DAT file containing NoValues or load them with the loader "Load bulk data when changing channel data" and then save them as a TDM file, the saved channels are not complete. | 498753 | The files created by the DataFinderIndexJobFileCreate command are corrupt. | 507302 | The Bus Log Convertor cannot find the frames if the assignment occurs over the PGN of the Canld in a signal description file. | 508059 | You can no longer operate the MyDataFinder if you upgrade the MyDataFinder when its configuration contains folders or files excluded from the search. | 508088 | If the Selection property for ResultsList is called several times, the program might crash. |
VIEW 479330 | In the display types "Orbit" and "Shaft Centerline" DIAdem only displays the free text in the legend if you specify 0° for the angle of the x-sensor and 90° for the angle of the y-sensor. | 480883 | If you change the sensor angle (not equal to 0° and 90°) in the display types "Orbit" and "Shaft Centerline" in order to rotate a curve and then hide this curve, the legend displays the original channel values instead of hiding these values. | 485883 | In 2D axis systems DIAdem cannot display logarithmic axis scalings for the x-axis. | 489243 | If you change the size of the text displayed on the screen (DPI scale), for example, from 100% to 150%, under Windows 8.1 and you do not restart the computer, additional curves might be displayed in 2D axis systems. | 493783 | If you add a non-existing channel to a 2D axis system in a script, DIAdem crashes. | 505342 | If you add several curves, the automatic color count in a 2D axis system does not work. | 507525 | If the input channel for the orbit display type contains NoValues, DIAdem does not center the curve. |
ANALYSIS 464992 | The ChnOrderBodeCalc command does not display the result channels in the DIAdem specific order. | 480031 | The "Sort Channel Values" dialog box does not show whether the control channels will be sorted. In addition it is not possible to sort a single channel because at least one more channel must be specified for sorting. | 496974 | In the "Phase unwrap" function the first result value and all following values are determined with an incorrect y-offset. Therefore the result channel is shifted by an offset. | 499169 | When subtracting two channels, an access violation occurs if the second channel contains no values. | 500991 | Linear mapping calculates inaccurately with absolute time values or other large x-values. | 508013 | In the Resample dialog box, you cannot enable the anti aliasing filter. |
REPORT 478034 | DIAdem ignores the setting "Portion of symbol field" in the dialog box "Legend: Size". | 479077 | In 2D tables DIAdem ignores the sorting of expanded curves. | 479078 | Sometimes DIAdem plots texts with expression multiple times. | 479319 | DIAdem does not evaluate DIAdem expressions in earlier layout files with text objects correctly. | 479328 | In the "Curve and Axis Definition » Y-Scaling" dialog box of a 2D axis system in REPORT you cannot set the parameters for additional y-axes if you select manual scaling. | 479802 | If you click the button with the three dots next to the unit setting in the "Curve and Axis Definition : Axis Parameters » X-Scaling" or "Y-Scaling", DIAdem reported a message if you did not enter a unit and did not define a curve. | 480707 | DIAdem does not save the value for the manual gradation of a hyperbola of a 3D characteristic diagram with the layout. | 484040 | The predefined settings of the graphics dialog box in DIAdem REPORT are not available. | 484084 | If you have many points, the display of a 3D characteristic diagram takes too long. | 484339 | If move lines in the "3D Axis Definition" dialog box with "Move Entry Up" or "Move Entry Down" and then change a channel reference, the channel assignment is incorrect. | 484761 | In layouts which use 3D isolines with curve expansion errors might occur in the curve labeling texts. | 484796 | In special cases the curve dialog box of an expanded 3D curve displays an error message. | 486063 | Sometimes the isolines in the characteristic diagram are not displayed smoothed. | 486736 | If you change from automatic to manual axis scaling in a 2D axis system display and close the "Curve and Axis Definition" dialog box with "Cancel", the manual axis scaling might be lost. | 486913 | If a curve in a 2D axis system contains only one point, DIAdem does not scale the y-axis correctly in the automatic scaling mode. | 486948 | The setting "Same color as label" cannot be used for the marker color in the characteristic diagram in DIAdem REPORT. | 488266 | In a 3D axis system with characteristic diagram and partial load DIAdem does not map the convex hull completely. | 493988 | In 2D axis systems with curve expansion, which use the expansion color table, DIAdem does not execute the OnAxisSystem2DCurve for DrawingEvents properly. | 495536 | If you select several objects and shift them with the arrow buttons, the objects are offset. Rotated text cannot be aligned correctly. | 505658 | In a 3D axis system with a differential characteristic diagram DIAdem displays the minimum and maximum value incorrectly. | 505945 | If channels with different x-ranges are assigned to sub-axes in a 2D axis system with sub-axes and automatically scaled x-axis, DIAdem scales the display incorrectly. | 505953 | In a 3D axis system with a characteristic diagram and partial load structure DIAdem displays the y-value of the mean partial load values incorrectly. | 506627 | The functions for horizontally and vertically aligning the text margins might change the order of the objects. | 507082 | Additional y-axes in 2D axis systems can be reduced but not enlarged or shifted vertically. | 507089 | If you cancel the settings dialog box of a 2D table, the font settings might change. |
DAC 479351 | You cannot connect a control bus to the "Save in Variables" block. | 490835 | In one of the dialog boxes of ECU, the list of selection terms for the transport layer is incorrect in the English and Japanese version. | 490878 | If you use several DSA boards, the synchronization does not work in measurements with the NI-DAQmx driver. | 493010 | If you assign an existing block name to a block, DIAdem does not display an error message and keeps the old name. | 496759 | In a display without a frame, the digit display displays the measurement values with digits that are too small. | 499370 | If a measurement is started with the ECU-MC driver, DIAdem does not overwrite the communication parameters from the A2L file (CAN, TCP/IP, UDP) with the parameters specified in the dialog box. You cannot change the station address (CCP) either. | 504835 | Under certain circumstances DIAdem does not read in the result list of the ECU correctly after a A2L file is changed. | 508259 | In the ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit driver, DIAdem transfers a manually set IP address wrongly to the toolkit. | 508260 | On Windows XP you cannot open the dialog box to select an A2L file in the ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit if no A2L file was entered previously. |
DataPlugin 484563 | If you specify a start position in the Find for Sheet method, DIAdem may crash. | 505912 | The BitMask property for BinaryChannelFormatter always returns the value -1 for negative values. |
The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed in DIAdem 2014. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of the DIAdem. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. The DIAdem Knowledgebase contains a list of fixed issues from earlier DIAdem versions under the search term Fixed Issues. General 397167 | DIAdem does not export WMF files as placeable WMF files. | 402973 | DIAdem does not convert date/time values which contain time information that are before 12/30/1899 correctly from the DIAdem time format into the VBS time format. | 403684 | DIAdem does not always load the newest installed LabVIEW Run-Time Engine when initializing the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine with default parameters. | 413440 | The version information for the script engine and the debugger contains a comma instead of a point in front of the build number. | 415377 | If a channel name contains the % character, the program might crash when a channel property is dragged and dropped from the Data Portal onto a panel. | 420518 | If a TUC file for the definition of a unit set contains units whose names contain one or more commas, DIAdem cannot read this file. | 425087 | The "DIAdem PDF Export" printer does not use the specified margins. | 443285 | If you access the value of a channel in a REPORT table or with the Cht command and the value is larger than the maximum channel length, you do not receive an error message but the value NoValue. | 460887 | If you are working with two or more monitors arranged on top of each other and have specified this in the screen display settings of your operating system, DIAdem hides the Data Portal when you switch panels if DIAdem is on the upper monitor. | 464451 | If you generate a long time channel in the time unit milliseconds with the ChnGenTime command and save it in a TDMS file, this channel deviates from the originally generated channel in the millisecond range when it is loaded. |
Data Portal 381807 | If the Data Portal contains many channel groups, deleting the top channel groups is slow. | 462640 | DIAdem does not always process 2-byte digits at the end of a channel name correctly. |
NAVIGATOR 367100 | When Vector log files with the filename extension .mdf are converted with the Bus Log Converter, the generated values of the time channels are a factor 10 to low. | 368184 | The Bus Log Converter does not support the logfile format KVASER.log. | 375356 | When PCAN Trace files from version 10.3 are converted in the Bus Log Converter, the program might crash if records have more than 8 data bytes. | 382995 | When the loading parameters are missing, the LoadData() command uses the loading parameters of the data store open in NAVIGATOR without checking whether the elements to be loaded originate from this data store. | 390999 | The LoadChannelByName() command always refreshes the Data Portal even if the refresh mode was disabled with the UIAutoRefreshSet() command. | 393772 | The Bus Log Converter returns the ID of a frame as group property only if the ID is a decimal display. | 403222 | The DataPlugin Text Wizard does not load date/time information with AM/PM correctly. | 403391 | You cannot load elements derived from AoTest or AoSubtest from the search results list of ASAM data stores. | 409302 | The DataFinder generates additional tdms_index files for TDMS files even if no tdms_index files existed previously. | 415743 | DIAdem only loads the first element of multiple selections of aoTest type elements or aoSubTest type elements from the data stores into the Data Portal. | 421487 | The Excel DataPlugin Wizard cannot read XLSX files which contain empty cell tags () within a definition, for example, . | 425293 | If DIAdem NAVIGATOR is closed, the return value of the Navigator.LoadProperty() method is not filled. | 435433 | If you convert a Vector-ASCII file with decimal normal and extended IDs with the Bus Log Converter, DIAdem marks from the first extended ID all IDs as extended. | 436609 | The Bus Log Converter cannot open certain FIBEX files. | 436623 | If the first cells of an Excel table are empty, the Excel DataPlugin wizard cannot always specify the data type of a channel correctly. | 436689 | Search queries for data stores cannot be extended with drag and drop from the Data Portal. | 463861 | Only the first column in a search results list might be visible and it might be impossible to scroll to further columns. | 468795 | You cannot save DAT files as Real32 or Real48 data types if the DAT file contains NoValues. | 469724 | If data is saved in ATFX format, an instance attribute with the same name is exported in addition to the PropertyID. |
VIEW 336519 | In logarithmic display, 2D axis systems cannot be scaled below the curve minimum. | 374295 | If scrolling in the cursor range in the layout is enabled for at least four 2D axis systems and the arrow keys are used for scrolling, the program crashes. | 399937 | If you want to display dynamic isolines in a contour display in the full screen mode, the program crashes. | 411276 | The cursor does not always move evenly in 2D axis systems if the x-channels are monotonic falling. | 413171 | If an x-axis is zoomed a lot, DIAdem might label all ticks the same. | 418748 | In a contour display the width of the legend columns cannot be changed. | 446319 | Reducing the points of a track does not work optimal when a map display is zoomed. | 476530 | In the dialog box of the map display the maximum zoom level is 18, even though there are up to 19 zoom levels. |
ANALYSIS 359813 | If the peak value or time-at-level classification methods are used, rounding errors occur which result in incorrect assignments and results if one class limit is 0 and the values are classified between -1E-16 and -1E-18. | 360320 | The ChnPeakDetect command does not check whether a x-channel is monotonic rising. | 360650 | In some cases you cannot select the setting "Create index channel" in the FFT dialog box with a time signal. | 362549 | In the English and Japanese version of the "Find Peaks" function, the search criteria Maxima and Minima are reversed. | 363402 | If you execute a crash calculation which creates new custom properties at the input channel, DIAdem does not display these new properties directly in the properties window. | 368399 | The ChnPeakDetect command does not check whether NoValues exist before executing, but aborts the calculation without an error message about NoValues when the signal contains NoValues. | 371903 | The THIV calculation (Theoretical Head Impact Velocity) returns incorrect results when the distance between head and centre of gravity is not equal zero. | 375146 | The order analysis in the time domain divides the start value and the end value into incorrect rpm steps when the "Reduction according to RPM" setting is enabled. | 378827 | In the English version there are errors when executing the calculation template Calculation_Example.tca. The associated dialog box to edit this calculation cannot be opened. | 452506 | If the last values in the y-channel are constant, linear mapping calculates incorrect values. |
REPORT 251342 | If you move several objects several times, the object positions are imprecise. | 350860 | In a number-oriented layout, DIAdem deletes x-channel entries if these entries were created with the object-oriented script interface and the dialog box of the 2D axis system was exited with cancel. | 366035 | If the start value and end value of a scaling are the same in a 2D axis system, the display can only continue if you press ESC. | 375177 | If you use the object-oriented API to add a subaxis to a 2D axis system in a script, the program might crash. | 378351 | After exporting a PDF, DIAdem sets the default printer to "DIAdem PDF Export". | 378384 | Printing PDFs does not work if no free printer port or LPT port is available. | 380997 | If you select the scaled setting and the user-defined setting as page size, DIAdem ignores the specified page ratio and uses instead the default page ratio. | 383000 | If you use the %(/yPosition) setting, DIAdem does not position the points in 3D axis systems correctly. | 383216 | Sometimes, DIAdem does not plot isolines in a 3D axis system. | 398184 | If you select the text position "Centered and clipped", DIAdem does not display the curves in the display mode "Line and points" in a 2D axis system. | 399754 | DIAdem does not always display all columns in the legend of a 2D axis system if you deleted other columns before. | 399756 | If you select several objects of which at least one object has a fixed height/width ratio, you can only change the group size with a fixed height/width ratio. | 404582 | If values were deleted from a channel, the 2D table display does not check the current channel length of text channels and displays too many values. | 408645 | 2D axis systems do not support the VU function as x-constants. | 422835 | Display errors might occur when reports are zoomed. | 423844 | Incorrect channels assignments might occur in 2D axis systems. | 425330 | Depending on the selected line width, DIAdem does not print very narrow rectangles. | 427655 | If you exit a REPORT dialog box with "Cancel" or use the "Undo" function, DIAdem deletes the TagTemporary property. | 429778 | If you try to set the frame of a master layout into the foreground, the program crashes. | 435410 | If you use channels with the length 0 in a characteristic diagram display, the display is incorrect and the program might crash. | 435444 | DIAdem does not highlight curves that protrude the axis if you move the mouse over them. | 435984 | In the expanded mode in 2D axis systems, DIAdem ignores the setting "Display curve". | 438720 | The double-click might not work in a report. | 456413 | DIAdem does not save the legend position correctly if you use the setting "Bound to axis system". | 365690 | DIAdem might create invalid channel references in the curve transformation in a 2D axis system. |
SCRIPT 377669 | The ASCIIBlockLoad() command does not load all values from a text file. | 383205 | The DirLstGet() command returns an error during the recursive search if the function encounters a folder that only contains other folders. | 402226 | If you specify an output format, rounding errors might occur during the conversion of numbers with the Str function. | 402970 | The RTT function cannot convert vbDate values which contain fractions of seconds. | 416125 | The FileNameGet command does work if the selection lists for filename extensions are very long. | 426071 | The Round method cannot calculate quantity based. | 428636 | The functions NotB, SHR, SHL, GetB, and SetB accept a negative bit index and ignore prefixes. | 428989 | The DataPlugin script function Workbook.Sheets.Exists() always returns TRUE, even if the worksheet does not exist. | 436760 | DIAdem might crash if the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine is initialized and deinitialized several times in a script. | 442154 | In the scaled display, DIAdem REPORT changes the properties Top and Right when changing the properties Bottom and Left with the object-oriented interface. |
DAC 364919 | Auto scaled displays or displays with interactively changeable y-scaling ranges do not display measurement values if a preceding scaling block contains negative slopes. | 365260 | If several script blocks use the same script in a block diagram, the scripts might influence each other. | 370297 | When a measurement starts or ends with the block PC loudspeaker, an error message might occur under Windows 8 (32 Bit). | 373511 | In the ECU MC driver dialog box, DIAdem does not arrange the signals according to their function or sub-function. | 392828 | If you start a block diagram with an AUT script block which does not contain a valid AUT file, you cannot use DIAdem afterwards. | 394106 | The parse function of the script driver returns an incorrect value for ASCII characters over 127. | 397179 | Measurements which save data directly in the Data Portal generate too many channel groups if the settings "With section creation" and "Use new channels for every measurement" are used. | 403725 | In measurements with a software clock with the NI DAQmx driver, the first measurement value is NoValue. | 405947 | If you try to measure different bus systems in the same DAC clock system in the XNET driver, DIAdem measures only the channel from the first bus correctly. | 406245 | During long-term measurements with the NI-CAN driver in the single point mode the buffer on the CAN board might overflow. | 406513 | The program might crash if you double-click a bus or a block terminal of a subblock diagram. | 411275 | When the filenames are generated automatically, the DAC storage block always saves the measurement data in files which start with DACDATA. | 411277 | If you start measurements very often under Windows 7, DIAdem might not be able to execute commands. | 411471 | When you start a measurement with the NI-DAQmx driver, sporadic error messages from the synchronization manager might occur. | 421483 | DIAdem displays numeric and table displays even if the setting is "No color". | 429777 | The digit and table display in VISUAL ignores the selected background color if you disable the frame around the values. | 432292 | Under Windows 8, the size of the VISUAL window might change during a measurement. | 436640 | The dialog box for the "Numeric Input" block cannot be opened. | 449635 | The program crashes, if you measure or output the same signal several times in a measurement with the NI DAQmx driver. | 456771 | The XNET driver does not always save the setting for the bus termination of CAN and LIN. | 462684 | When loading a block diagram, DIAdem renames a block that has a base name if this block diagram contains a second block with the base name and the postfix 0. | 462719 | The packet blocks for frequency weighting and level calculation do not function correctly when the unit for the x-values is missing in the data packets. If the unit is missing, the blocks will assume the x-values are in seconds in future versions. | 469599 | In the offset correction block, DIAdem displays an error when an input signal is not active. | Accessing the HelpFor more information on DIAdem, go to the DIAdem help Help»Contents. Finding ExamplesUse Help»Examples in DIAdem to start the DIAdem ExampleFinder. You can find DIAdem examples in the examples directory below the program directory. You can modify examples to suit your needs, or you can copy and paste parts of the examples into your own files. Automating the Installation of NI ProductsYou can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes. However, starting with the August 2012 releases (products using NI Installers version 3.1 or later), you may need to perform additional steps before or during a silent installation of NI software. If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.0, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.0 separately before you install NI software. For more information, refer to the following KnowledgeBase articles: - Refer to KB 4CJDP38M, Automating the Installation of a Single Installer for more information on automatic installations of individual NI products.
- For more information on silent installations of suited NI products, such as NI Developer Suite, refer to KB 4GGGDQH0, Automating the Installation of a Suited Installer.
- Refer to KB 4CJDR18M, How Can I Determine the Type and Version of My National Instruments Installer? for a description of the version of the NI Installer your product contains.
How to Use NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.xWhen you install National Instruments software on Microsoft Windows 8.x, you will notice a few additional tiles in the Apps view, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX), and NI Launcher. Using NI LauncherNI Launcher helps you find and launch installed NI products. It provides you with a method of finding NI products similar to the Start menu in previous versions of Microsoft Windows. To use NI Launcher, click the NI Launcher tile in the Apps view. NI Launcher launches the desktop and opens a menu containing a list of NI products. Click any NI product to launch it. Note NI MAX does not appear as a desktop shortcut when installed on Microsoft Windows 8.x. You can launch NI MAX either from the Apps view or from within NI Launcher. | Pinning Frequently Used ApplicationsFor convenience, you can pin your most-used NI applications, such as NI MAX, to either the Start screen or the Taskbar on the desktop, as necessary: Current Application | Icon Location | Pin to Action | Windows 8.x Desktop | Desktop Taskbar | Right-click application and select Pin to Taskbar | Windows 8.x Desktop | Start screen | Right-click application and select Pin to Start | Windows 8.x Start screen | Desktop Taskbar | Right-click application and select Pin to Taskbar from the menu bar on the bottom of the screen | Finding All ProgramsIf you want to find a particular application or related files, such as documentation files, from the Start screen, you can access all installed files from the Apps view. To get to the Apps view, right-click anywhere on the Start screen and select All Apps (Windows 8) or click the down arrow on the bottom left of the screen (Windows 8.1). For more information about NI support for Windows 8.x, visit ni.com/windows8. NI DIAdem Drops Support for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 in 2016As of July 1, 2016, NI DIAdem will no longer support the operating systems Microsoft Windows Vista, MS Windows XP, and MS Windows Server 2003. Versions of DIAdem that ship after July 1, 2016 will not install or run on Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003. For detailed information about NI application software product life cycles, visit ni.com/info and enter one of the following Info Codes: Product | Info Code | NI LabVIEW | lifecycle | NI LabWindows™/CVI™ | cvi_lifecycle | NI Measurement Studio | mstudiolifecycle | NI TestStand | tslcp | NI DIAdem | ddlcp | NI SignalExpress | selcp | NI VeriStand | nivslifecycle | Legal InformationCopyright © 2003—2014 National Instruments Ireland Resources Limited. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, This includes photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation. National Instruments respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction. End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation: - Legal notice: Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
- EULAs: EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
- Information on including legal information in installers built with NI products: \_Legal Information.txt
U.S. Government Restricted Rights If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies. IVI Foundation Copyright Notice Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation. The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Trademarks Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. Patents
For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents. |